Stay Focused at the Supermarket

By Joy Bauer, RD

It's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the options available at your local grocery store . Add in the temptation of coupons, markdowns and brilliantly packaged and placed products, and it can be hard to fight the urge to chuck just about everything you see into your shopping cart. To tackle unhealthy supermarket shopping habits, stick to these tips to score a more wholesome fridge and pantry.

1. Never shop hungry. Shopping on an empty stomach leads to a cartful of stuff you don't need.

2. Be careful with coupons. Clip only the ones for products you would ordinarily purchase. Don't use coupons for junk food! (Say that three times out loud before you enter the store.)

Discover 10 things you didn't know about coupons-and learn how to use them wisely.

3. Make a list-and keep it in sight. It's the best way to avoid being tempted by unhealthy foods and sale items.

4. Shop the perimeters first. This is where you'll find fresh produce, dairy, eggs, meat and poultry. The center aisles are typically where you'll find the packaged goods and junk food, so when you do hit this area, keep your list front and center, and focus on items like naturally flavored seltzers, canned beans, high-fiber cereals, whole-grain pasta, tomato sauce, healthy salad dressings, marinades and condiments.

5. Don't fall for product placement. "Child-friendly" (but not necessarily healthy) items are strategically placed on lower shelves, and products are often grouped to encourage impulse buying (expensive salad dressing in the produce aisle, for example). Be especially on guard in the checkout line: That's where lots of products are placed in the hopes that you'll toss them into your cart on a whim-and these items tend to be nutritionally deficient.

Original article appeared on

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