Red, White and Blue Foods That are Good for You

By Brandi Koskie - Senior Editor for

The more colorful our diets, the healthier they are. Take that to heart in a patriotic sense this weekend and be sure to fill your plate with foods that are red, blue and even white. We've selected some of the tastiest foods found in these three American colors to help you plan a red, white and blue spread that is as pleasing to the eye as it is to your guest's taste buds.

Red Foods

The brighter in color a food, the better it is for you. (No, this doesn't apply to Skittles.) Red-hued fruits and vegetables are incredibly nutritious, and usually taste pretty good. The reds comes from anthocyanins, an antioxidant that can help remove free radicals from the body. Plus, red foods can reduce LDL cholesterol, risk of prostate cancer and lower blood pressure.

Strawberries - These sweet little summer berries will brighten any spread. One cup of whole strawberries has only 46 calories. Put out a bowl by themselves, add to a fruit salad, or try this Strawberry Salsa.

Red Peppers - A sweet bell pepper should be part of your grilling plans. You can roast them to top chicken sandwiches or burgers, or sauté with onions for fajitas. A medium bell pepper has 31 calories and is a generous source vitamins A and C.

Tomatoes - Fresh off the vine, this fruit is one of the juiciest of summer. Make sure to add a few slices to every sandwich, salad and burger you grill this holiday. It's a simple and delicious way to add extra vitamins and fiber to each meal.

White Foods

We're generally told to avoid white foods, as white is the color of processed, nutrition-void grains, like bread, cereal, crackers and rice. However, there are a few white foods that can be and should be part of your holiday menu.

White Fish - There are a number of varieties of white fish, and they're low in calories and fat and high in protein. Plus they offer essential omega-3 fatty acids. Simple to grill with just a squirt of fresh lemon and olive oil, cod, haddock and even lobster make a light and delicious addition to your Fourth plans.

White Onions - These are one of the best ways to add flavor to a meal. Onions are a great source of vitamin C and can help lower blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. Chop in a salsa, grill for a burger, sauté for fajitas or make these healthier onion rings.

Greek Yogurt - This versatile low-fat dairy product will allow you to enjoy many of your favorite picnic foods guilt free. Rich in protein with a thick, creamy texture, you can use it in place of sour cream for a ranch dip mix, add to potato salad instead of mayo or use in place of cream for homemade ice cream.

Blue Foods

Blue foods are few and far between. In fact, because blue foods rarely occur naturally, the color blue is actually an appetite suppressant (our brains don't associate blue with food). Some experts recommend putting a blue light in the refrigerator or eating off of blue plates. Instead, we say take advantage of the blue foods that are out there.

Blueberries - Fresh, ripe blueberries in the summer are sweet and juicy. A quarter-cup serving has less than 40 calories. Cool off by making a blueberry smoothie, or jump-start the holiday weekend by adding blueberries to whole grain pancakes.

Blue Corn Tortilla Chips - Are they really better than the plain 'ole yellow chips? A little. Blue corn has more lysine, an amino acid, and more anthocyanin, an antioxidant, than yellow corn. Some is lost during processing. Mind your portion sizes and choose a baked, low-sodium variety and you've got a healthier choice for scooping salsa and guac.

Blue Cheese - A standard one-ounce serving of blue cheese has only 100 calories, and surprisingly some decent health benefits. It's made with goat's milk instead of cow's, so it has less saturated fat and cholesterol, as well as more vitamins A and B and calcium. Melt some on top of a turkey burger, or dip veggies in to this Blue Cheese Dressing by Chef Devin Alexander for 62 calories.

Plan a healthier 4th of July party by reading:

10 Healthier 4th of July Recipes

4 Healthier Burger Recipes for the 4th of July

Eat the Rainbow for Your Health
