How to Get Madonna's Abs

If you love Madonna's abs almost as much as her music follow the expert's advice.
- Sarah Polonsky,

Summer is thisclose. And it's never too late in the season (or your life) to start working on your physique. In celebration of the warm months ahead, we have brought in fitness expert, Andrea Metcalf of Better TV, NBC's Today Show, and More Magazine to give us some tips on how to get Madonna's abs. Andrea's book, Naked Fitness, comes out January 2011.

At age 51-very much like her songs- Madonna's abs haven't missed a beat. Her toned tummy is as flawless as it was when her career began three decades ago. And while most of us don't have six hours a day to work out like the pop icon reportedly does, it is still possible to achieve a hot midriff like Madge's.

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Just follow these steps.


"Start on your back with your legs slightly extended," Andrea says. "If your lower back is arched, press it into the floor and hold those abs in tight. Alternate elbow to knee, switching sides, for one minute straight."

Crunch It Tight

"Crunches are a great way to get that six pack," Andrea says. "Hold the first crunch for 30 seconds then try for 20 repetitions, moving up from that starting point. Really squeeze the portion under your ribs tight. Then hold in your highest position for 30 additional seconds."

Plank Rotations

"Start in a plank position and keep hips in line with shoulders and feet," Andrea says. "Turn your hips and reach up to the sky then return to center. Perform 20 alternating reaches on each side."

Plank Side Lifts

"Start on your side elbow with hips in line with shoulders," Andrea says. Lift hips from floor and hold for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Repeat eight times."

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Diagonal Chops

Says Andrea: "Start in an athletic stance, feet shoulder width apart with knees bent, with a 6-8 pound medicine ball. Reach the medicine ball down towards the right hip keeping arms straight. Keep your belly pulled into the spine and next reach up and across over the left shoulder in a diagonal motion. Repeat towards right hip to left shoulder for 15 repetitions. Then repeat on the other side left hip to right shoulder."

Don't miss fitness expert Andrea Metcalf's next edition, "How to Get Michelle Obama's Arms."

Sarah Polonsky is a senior editor at BettyConfidential.

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