This weeks picks: Quality inspiring quality

I have something to brag about: We're seeing more and more quality blog posts by Shine users that are generating hundreds and even thousands of comments - that's amazing! And equally impressive is the fact that these comments aren't spam but thoughtful and intelligent opinions that are igniting other great conversations all around Shine. So this week I'm tipping my hat to all our Shine readers, thank you for contributing such quality blog posts and comments. They say "quality inspires quality", and you are encouraging thousands of new users to join in the conversation, many who are probably blogging for the very first time! :-)

Here are this week's picks:

1. Madlyn Primoff: When has it become wrong to discipline your child?

[Shine user Brett Blumenthal wants to hear your thoughts on Ms. Pimoff and how you might have handled the situation]

"This was not "tough love." Nailing windows is. I agree with opinion only, while the author's title raises a compelling question, the example is one of abuse, not discipline."

"This woman did not beat her children, she did not emotionally abuse them by calling them stupid, etc (that we know of, anyway). She was holding them accountable, and at 10 and 12 years old, it's a lesson they can handle."

"My friends and i were disciplined when we were younger, and we turned out to be respectful, hardworking adults. I hardly ever heard of kids getting in as much trouble as they do nowadays. Kids need to have limits and there should be consequences. They are so coddled nowadays!"

"…until you become a parent of more than one child you cannot sit in the seat of judgment and say what you will or won't do when your nerves are shot from the daily pressures of raising another person. She made a rash decision in the situation and there's not a single parent on this commenting field that can say they have not made a bad decision on handling their children."

2. User post: Is there such a thing as letting someone down easy?

[Shine user MaryAlice wonders if you should "be nice, or blunt and brutal" to reject someone whose asked you out]

"Just don't be ambiguous. You know what "I don't want to be in a relationship right now" means to a guy? It means he can ask you next month. I'd much rather hear "I'm not interested in you that way" over "I don't want to be in a relationship right now." or "I'm busy a lot right now,"


"There's no reason to be brutal...unless you're breaking it off because someone cheated on you...nothing wrong with being honest and true to yourself as far as feelings is concerned...still needs to take it easy.. doesn't really feel good being dump.."

"Honesty is the best policy. Leaving shades of gray will only lead to problems."

"Having been "bounced" by the previous love of my life, before I met my wife, I have to ask you girls to please, please, PLEASE, let us down easily! If you feel you're in danger or anything that's another story, but if you feel you aren't, at least leave us with a sense of "it just isn't working."

"Dating and breakup karma always find a way of biting you in the butt when you behave badly. So do your best to let the other person down as firmly but gently as possible."

"Dump her like yesterday's trash. She always has Shine!"

3. User Post: Should obese airline passengers have to pay double?

[Shine user FatFighterTV wants to hear your thoughts: "Should obese passengers have to buy two airline seats?"]

"It is not a growing discrimination in my opinion. If people are discriminated on something they can't help like height or race, then that is wrong. BUT if you choose to be unhealthy and cannot fit into a normal sized seat then you will have to face the consequences."

"Yes they should have to pay for two seats if they take up two seats. I'm charged for my "extra baggage", they should be too. I don't mean it to be mean, it's just a fact and it's unfair to a thin person who has to pay full price for one seat yet an obese person should get a second seat free?"

"if you take up two seats you should pay for two seats. its that simple. the person next to you should not have to travel uncomfortably, what about their rights? they too paid for a seat."

"So, why just discriminate against large people? That's like saying it's okay to kick bulldogs because they're round instead of sleek like a greyhound. Some people are just larger than others. In a country that is bizarrely socially sensitive to race, age and gender discrimination, it's just amazing that this could even be a question."