Brenda signing off (for now)

Hi everyone,

As you may have noticed I've been awfully quiet these days. For those of you that don't know it's because I'm very pregnant - with twins! :) I was hoping to work until late July, but these boys have other ideas in mind so my last day is this coming Friday.

While I'm away I will rely on each of you to help me keep Shine humming! Take an interest in one other, be each others greatest advocates, and if you have a question - be it related to life, fashion + beauty, health, parenting, love + sex, or food - there's a whole community waiting to provide an answer.

When you're blogging or commenting, please respect the rights of others and obey all copyright policies. Copyright is a tricky subject, but I have a good rule of thumb - if you didn't create it you probably shouldn't use it! It keeps things simple and you never risk getting into any trouble.

I will not be checking my Shine_communitymanager email while I'm on leave, so if you encounter any problems with the site please leave a message on our Shine Suggestion Board. A Shine team member will be checking these boards periodically.

If you have only a few minutes to visit Shine I urge to use that time to leave a comment on a blog post that's affected you. The post could have been written by a staff member, a Shine partner, or best of all, a fellow Shine user! I promise that the simple effort it took for you to leave the comment will have a huge impact by letting the author know that their blog made a difference, and encourage others to do the same. You might even start a conversation with another user and make a new friend in the process.

Lastly, I want to give a special shout-out to all the Shine regulars and newbies who have been so wonderful to me (and each other) over the past few weeks. Your passion and commitment to the Shine community is unparalleled.

Be good to each other and I'll see you in a few months!
