Death Penalty

  • EntertainmentYahoo Life

    Kim Kardashian praises California for ending the death penalty — but Trump says he is 'not thrilled'

    One critic told the reality star to "stick to Prada and sex tapes" after she tweeted support for the halt to executions in her home state.

  • NewsJennifer Gerson Uffalussy

    Arizona, Texas Found Illegally Importing Drug for Lethal Injection — As Many States Delay Executions

    The findings, uncovered by BuzzFeed News, that both Arizona and Texas attempted to illegally import sodium thiopental from India for use in executions. The shipments were seized in the U.S. at the airport by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they could reach their intended destinations. A spokesperson for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice told BuzzFeed News on Thursday evening that the department is seeking to important sodium thiopental after having obtained a license from

  • NewsJennifer Gerson Uffalussy

    New Twist in Richard Glossip Case Raises Questions About Future of Lethal Injections

    Fallin issued her stay minutes before Glossip’s scheduled execution (he was prepared and pacing in his death cell, wearing only boxer shorts), after it became apparent that the final drug in the state’s approved three drug protocol, potassium chloride — which is injected to stop the heart and cause death — had not been procured for Glossip’s execution. Potassium acetate, which is another drug altogether, had been mysteriously substituted in its place.  The case took another twist on Thursday af

  • NewsYahoo Health

    After Drug Mix-Up, Oklahoma Governor Grants Glossip Last-Minute Stay of Execution

    Lawyers for Richard Glossip, 52, had argued for a stay, saying they had evidence pointing to his innocence, but they were turned down by the U.S. Supreme Court minutes before the scheduled start of the execution at 3 p.m. CDT. Republican Governor Mary Fallin ordered the stay, saying the state had received potassium acetate for use in its three-drug protocol instead of the court-approved potassium chloride. Her stay came about an hour after the scheduled start of the execution, which was delaye

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