Tabby Cat Who Broke His Paw From 'Zooming Too Hard' Has People in Their Feelings

Pets have a way of touching our hearts in the simplest yet most profound ways. Just the sight of a cute animal can bring some people to tears, so it's no surprise that people are in their feelings over one cat's innocent injury. Even I let out an audible 'aww' when I saw Mr. Bean!

Fortunately, this kitty's injury is only a temporary inconvenience. Even though he's expected to be just fine in a few weeks, Mr. Bean has had a rough few days since getting injured from his zoomies. That's right--he hurt himself from 'zooming too hard!' As silly as that sounds, this resilient cat suffered a significant injury, and everyone feels so bad!

Aww--poor Mr. Bean! Hobbling around in a cast can't be easy for a pet who's used to walking on all four paws, but the injured cat is making the best of his situation.

Related: Orange Cat's Zoomies Up the Wall Have People Entertained and Impressed

One of his first challenges, though, was his litter box. Many eagle-eyed commenters noticed that he might be having trouble hopping into such a small opening, but it's become a lot easier now that his owner removed the litter box lid. He has so much more room to move now!

A broken bone can be painful and annoying for anyone--even humans--but this tabby cat's lifestyle adjustments are helping him heal.

He's doing great! The cat's owner might have to lift him up to his favorite nap spots, but he has plenty of toys and catnip to keep him occupied closer to the ground. When he's on pain medicine, he likely doesn't feel like doing much, either! This chill day at home is just one of many on his way to recovery, but every moment of rest and recoup counts.

Mr. Bean has to have his cast changed every week so feline veterinarians can examine his leg's healing. He used to have a blue cast reminiscent of Monsters, Inc., but this dino-patterned cast blends into his fur a bit better. Just because he's injured doesn't mean he can't look great, right?

How Serious Is a Broken Leg for Cats?

In the same way that no two human injuries are the same, no two cat injuries are identical, either. In general, though, a broken leg won't keep a cat out of the game for long. They'll find ways to stay mobile even with their cast, which is why it's so important to keep them inactive during their crucial healing period.

It's important to remember that fractures can also accompany other injuries, such as a tendon tear, joint dislocation, or surface laceration. Mr. Bean got lucky and didn't experience other injuries, but pet parents should know that accidents can happen.

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