Sylfirm X May Be One of the Best Treatments for Melasma on the Market

Here's everything you need to know.

<p>Mavocado / Getty Images</p>

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Radiofrequency microneedling—which offers the collagen-inducing and re-texturizing effects of microneedling, along with the skin-tightening effects of radiofrequency heat—has become one of the buzziest and most-requested combined anti-aging treatments available. But even as popular radiofrequency microneedling devices like Morpheus8 develop big fan followings, they are not considered suitable for all skin conditions. Those with melasma, for instance, run the risk of exacerbating unwanted pigment with aggressive, heat-based treatments. Others find the degree of painfulness and downtime to be another drawback. Enter: Sylfirm X, a radiofrequency microneedling device that claims to remedy these concerns.

To find out more, we tapped dermatologists Ranella Hirsch and Jason Emer as well as aesthetics specialist Rahi Sarbaziha.

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From its benefits to its aftercare instructions, keep reading for everything there is to know about Sylfirm X.

What Is Radiofrequency Microneedling?

A radiofrequency microneedling treatment involves using tiny needles to puncture the skin, inducing surface-level retexturizing. Radiofrequency heat is delivered through these same needles for more pronounced rejuvenation.

"The purpose of radiofrequency microneedling is to heat up the dermis and deeper skin tissue, and in so doing, direct the formation of new collagen to try to improve skin laxity," explains Dr. Hirsch. As one of the skin's critical building blocks, new collagen can help to smooth away fine lines and wrinkles while improving the tone and appearance of the skin.

The Benefits of Sylfirm X

Thanks to its versatility, Sylfirm X is lauded by skincare professionals. "I love it because it can do what other machines have been unable to do in the past; namely, it treats melasma—even in dark skin—and can treat all around the eyes," says Dr. Sarbaziha. Dr. Emer calls it his "favorite device right now."

Depending on the body part and skin concern being treated, there are two forms of technology to note when it comes to radiofrequency microneedling. "The continuous wave form is designed for tightening the skin and tissue by stimulating collagen production. It helps with lifting, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, scar repair, and melting fat," explains Dr. Sarbaziha. It might be used under the chin or on the body. "The pulse wave form is designed to help improve skin texture and [to] treat skin conditions such as melasma, active acne, blackheads, diffuse redness or rosacea, and for [refining] pore size," she says.

Melasma, Rosacea, and Hyperpigmentation

Sylfirm X's ability to treat melasma is a major advantage over the other radiofrequency microneedling devices on the market. This is because melasma—a lingering and hormone-linked form of stubborn pigmentation—is persistent and difficult to treat. And because heat and inflammation can worsen rosacea, it can’t be treated with popular broadband light treatments (i.e., IPL, BBL) or intense fractionated lasers like Fraxel. This limited practitioners to regimens of harsh topicals (think: retinol and hydroquinone) or the costly machine Picosure (which is also used to remove tattoos) for these conditions.

Now, they can use Sylfirm X. "For melasma or rosacea, we use pulse wave mode [which allows] Sylfirm X to target damaged skin cells without affecting the neighboring, healthy skin areas," Dr. Sarbaziha explains. It does so using its selective regional regeneration radio (SR3) repeated pulse (RP) technology, which targets abnormalities in the tissue and blood vessels (i.e., melasma, rosacea, hyperpigmentation) while strengthening the skin's basement membrane, the part of the skin that is responsible for creating healthy tissues moving forward. "This accelerates melasma treatment by targeting its root cause and decreasing the chances of recurrence," she adds.

Eye Area Laxity

Sylfirm X's ability to tighten up loose or sagging skin in the eye area gives it another edge over its competitors. "The eyelid area is difficult to treat because the tissue around our eyes is delicate," Dr. Sarbaziha says, noting that past options frequently required surgery. While Thermage—a radiofrequency device without microneedling—is FDA-approved for the eye area, non-surgical devices to remedy skin laxity in the eye area are rare.

Dr. Emer explains that Sylfirm X can be used in the delicate eye area due to the wide variability in its depth of penetration. Because its depth can be adjusted all the way from 0.3 to 4 millimeters, it can safely pass over sensitive areas like the eyelids. Dr. Sarbaziha notes that she adjusts the setting to 1 millimeter or less when treating this region, as well as other sensitive areas like the forehead and around the mouth.

What to Expect

I can speak firsthand, having tried Sylfirm X, Morpheus8, Potenza, and Vivace. I do find the results to be noticeable and worth it. As for pain, it is true that Sylfirm X is less painful than both Morpheus8 and Potenza. You will still want to spend a significant amount of time numbing—at least an hour—and the procedure will still be uncomfortable in certain areas. I personally find the forehead to be the most uncomfortable because it is the boniest area of my face, while treatment on the neck is virtually painless. At Dr. Emer's practice, I absolutely loved having the Zimmer Cooler on hand to blow cold air on my skin following the treatment. This makes the experience much more bearable, and worked better for me than PRO-NOX, or laughing gas, which was administered to me during Morpheus8.

Still, any claims that Sylfirm X is "painless" are a lie. It is not pleasant by any means—and I felt it without numbing along the front of my scalp, where Dr. Sarbaziha includes a pass for added lift. But it is much easier to sit through than either Potenza or Morpheus8 since it causes less twitching. During my Morpehus8 and Potenza treatments, my left leg twitched throughout the treatment, beginning with a sensation in my stomach that made me want to kick my leg. This, to me, was far more unpleasant than any pain, and I was so relieved not to experience this bizarre impulse during my sessions with Sylfirm X. (As for why the twitching happens, Dr. Emer suggests it could have to do with the more precise application of the radiofrequency energy staying localized in my face rather than coursing through my entire body.)

Sylfirm X Results

After a series of treatments, I saw improved elasticity and more even skin tone, and people constantly think that I am younger than I am. Because I struggle with unwanted pigmentation and mild melasma, I would choose to go with Sylfirm X moving forward—but I do think that Morpheus8 and Potenza are quite effective, too.

For a full course of treatment, Dr. Sarbaziha recommends anywhere from three to six sessions with Sylfirm X performed four to six weeks apart. Remember that the results won't come overnight, as building new collagen takes anywhere from four to 12 weeks. Directly after your treatment, you should be meticulous about applying a mineral SPF (I use Isdin Eryfotona Actinica SPF 50+) and avoid wearing makeup for several days.


While Sylfirm X does boast less downtime than alternatives like Potenza or Morpheus 8, the true game-changer for reducing your downtime comes down to the application of exosomes, or extracellular vesicles (EVs), to the skin. Exosome serum helped me heal in just three days post-treatment (although my skin was still delicate). The same company that manufactures Sylfirm X, BENEV, also sells synthetic exosomes that can drastically speed up healing and improve collagen-producing effects.


The ideal time to apply an exosome serum is immediately following your treatment, when the micro-channels in your skin are still open, says Dr. Emer. This allows for efficient delivery into the deeper layers of the skin, boosting collagen production and rapidly promoting healing.

Alternatively, you can also use a red light device to help expedite healing at home, like the Celluma Pro Panel ($1,795) or Dermalux Flex MD ($2,495)—which are great because they will not sit directly on your skin—or the more affordable CurrentBody Skin LED Mask ($380) or Light Salon Boost Advanced LED Face Mask ($495).

Recommended Products

Dr. Emer says that the way you care for your skin post-treatment matters for your results and their maintenance. Two masks that I find to be extremely soothing are the cooling Velez by Vesna Intense Hydration Mask and the redness-reducing Emer Skin Intense Hydration Mask, which are both anti-inflammatory.

Because there will be micro-channels open in your skin, Dr. Emer recommends a post-treatment regimen from his own line—the Emer Skin Aerify Complexion Kit—to get the most of the skin-brightening effects. Other serums that I find to be incredibly beneficial post-treatment are the Eighth Day Regenerative Serum and SkinMedica TNS Advanced+ Serum, which contain growth factors and healing ingredients to help you along your healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Sylfirm X painful?

Sylfirm X is said to be less painful thanks to its non-coated needles, or uninsulated electrodes, as opposed to Morpheus 8's coated needles. "This means that when the needles are inserted into the tissue, they emit radio frequency from the full length of the needles rather than [just] the coated tips, which leads to more pain," Dr. Sarbaziha says. This form of delivery is also more efficient, requiring only one pass of the device and simultaneously delivering the energy to all layers of tissue.

How much does Sylfirm X cost?

A Sylfirm X treatment can cost anywhere from $700 to $1,800, give or take.

How long do results from a Sylfirm X treatment last?

It will depend on your lifestyle and how well you take care of your skin post-treatment, but typically, you can expect results to last for up to a year or even two.

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