Sydney Sweeney Was Told She Would Never Be On TV Because of the Way She Looked

As one of the world’s most famous faces, it’s hard to imagine anyone not liking Sydney Sweeney, and yet the Euphoria actor remembers a casting director telling her she did not have the right look for TV and would never be hired.

In an interview with GQ, Sweeney recalls, "A casting director told me once that I will never be on a TV show. I’m a very active person. I get hurt. I get bruises. I get cuts. I think I came back from laser tag, and I had rug burns all over my legs because I got really into it. And she sat me up on the counter and told me that no boy will ever love me if I have marks on my body. I told her, 'well, I guess I’m just gonna have to love myself.'"

Sweeney adds, "Now, I’m on some of the biggest TV shows in the world." The actor has certainly come a long way from filming uncomfortable nude scenes to reclaiming her voice on her meteoric rise to fame.