Sybille Blanjean Puts On Control And Fluidity Clinic At FWT Georgia

On the Freeride World Tour, skiers are ranked between 5 categories: their line selection, fluidity through that line, control of movement, air and style, and skiing technique.

Sybille Blanjean's line at the FWT 2024 Georgia Pro, which is the last stop of the Tour before the cut, ranked high with the judges, especially in fluidity.

Blanjean, the 24-year-old competitor from Verbier, Switzerland, took 1st place at the Xtreme Verbier during the FWT in 2022.

Now, she took first at the Georgia Pro stop of the tour this year, earning her 10,000 points and an overall season ranking of 5th. She started the run in 7th place, so it's a solid step up.

Her line consisted of multiple heavy drops, starting her line off with a 3-second airtime off the initial cliff at the top, and then after some fast and powerful turns, airing into the couloir, and then approaching the final section with a big air off the middle section of a series of cliff drop options. Her skiing through the bottom chowder looks effortless and happy as she pops a little shifty and rides through the finish gate.

Currently in first place for the season for women's skiing is Manon Loschi, the 22-year-old French skier who first appeared on tour in the '23 season. Sadly, due to a season-ending injury, this is her first season shot at winning the tour--but she definitely has a chance.

28-year-old, Norwegian skier Hedvig Wessel is in second place, and Lake Tahoe's own Lily Bradley, representing the USA, is in third. At just 21 years old, Bradley is one of the youngest competitors on tour this year.

However, there's no telling who is going to end up taking first after the cut. With a line that good from Blanjean at the Georgia Pro, everyone has to keep hitting lines with the same intensity and focus we have seen so far from the top skiers on the FWT this season.

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