The Swype House May Actually Be Happening

Photo credit: tiktok
Photo credit: tiktok

From Seventeen

  • There have been rumors that the Sway House and Hype House are joining forces in order to create the Swype House.

  • A source told Seventeen that there's a chance this actually comes to fruition.

Remember when the old Disney Channel shows would do a collab episode and we would get That's So Suite Life of Hannah Montana and it was the best thing to ever happen to television? Well, if there was a 2020 version of that, it would probably be your favorite TikTok houses coming together. There have been a ton of rumors that the Sway House and the Hype House are going to combine into the Swype House and a source just told Seventeen that it actually might happen.

"Nothing is 100% set in stone," said the source, but they confirmed that a Sway House member has been saying that the two houses were planning on combining.

This comes after Jaden Hossler and Josh Richards took a hiatus from the Sway House, following Jaden's arrest on charges of drug possession.

The source said that the boys' departure "leaves [the Sway House] exposed so they are figuring out how to combine forces."

It's unclear if the new mega-group would actually be called the Swype House and if the Sway House boys would move into the Hype House's new digs. All we know as of now is that we are probably going to get many more collabs like this in the near future:

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