Switch Up Your Classic Caesar Salad And Swap Out Your Lettuce For Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts Caesar salad with chicken
Brussels sprouts Caesar salad with chicken - Joanna Lawniczak/Shutterstock

Done well, a Caesar salad is one of those crowd-pleasing dishes that even self-professed salad haters can enjoy. Whether it's the simple components of romaine lettuce, croutons, and parmesan cheese or the creamy dressing composed of egg yolks, anchovies, garlic, and citrus juice, this savory yet bright concoction has a flavor profile many foodies can't resist. While you can always expand upon the basic ingredients and add in extra nutritious vegetables such as sliced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and even chopped avocado, you may want to level up this basic salad even more by swapping out lettuce for a hearty green vegetable. To get the most out of your next salad, why not try Brussels sprouts as your next Caesar salad base?

According to Medical News Today, Brussels sprouts are not only rich in several healthy nutrients, such as vitamins K and C, but they also support the immune system and supposedly work to maintain the body's blood sugar equilibrium. Aside from their impressive list of health attributes, Brussels sprouts also have a satisfying crunch when consumed raw. Alternatively, there are benefits to heating these cruciferous veggies at varying degrees, which will impart some texture variance to your next Caesar-specific dish. However, if you're going to make this swap, there are some things you should keep in mind when it comes to preparation.

Read more: 12 Vegetables And Fruits That Used To Look Very Different

Slice Your Sprouts Extra Thin

Chopped and whole Brussels sprouts
Chopped and whole Brussels sprouts - Candice Bell/Shutterstock

Whether you're making Brussels sprouts salad with pear and pomegranate or classic Caesar salad with Brussels sprouts, these hearty cold-weather vegetables seem to be the most satisfying when sliced in small, even segments. Raw Brussels sprouts are comparable to green cabbage in composition. When preparing these cruciferous vegetables for a savory Caesar salad, in order to mimic the light and airy qualities of lettuce, Brussels sprouts tough layered leaves should be sliced thinly with a sharp knife from the top down. To make the process safer, you can also cut each sprout in half before slicing them down further in the opposite direction. Alternatively, you can shred Brussels sprouts with a food processor or mandolin for additional texture.

Raw Brussels sprouts thick leaves and distinct flavor pair well with the creaminess of a traditional Caesar dressing. The additions of croutons and shaved parmesan transform raw Brussels sprouts into a robust meal with an extra satisfying crunch. Beyond the added health benefits of swapping in Brussels sprouts for lettuce, any leftovers laced with dressing tend to hold up longer in the refrigerator without wilting. While the positives of consuming a Caesar salad with the added complexity from raw Brussels Sprouts are many, there are plenty of reasons to try these veggies cooked in your next meal salad.

Cook Brussels Sprouts For A Milder Savory Flavor

Shredded Caesar salad with Brussels sprouts
Shredded Caesar salad with Brussels sprouts - Alexandralaw1977/Shutterstock

If you wish these hearty vegetables were a bit less sharp in flavor, you may want to try oven-roasted Brussels sprouts to achieve a more nuanced, caramelized taste. Whether you decide to roast, steam, or pan-fry Brussels sprouts, cook them at a high temperature to prevent these hearty veggies from becoming too soft and falling short in your next Caesar salad. If you're still worried about overcooking, even a slight stint in your oven or skillet will reduce a bit of their sharp flavor notes while providing a more manageable bite.

Beyond a lighter crunch and less distinct taste, cooking Brussels sprouts also wards off any potential stomach upset. Since sprouts are cruciferous vegetables, they have a natural susceptibility to cause excess gas, especially when eaten raw. ScienceDirect claims Brussels sprouts also produce Glucosinolates, which may affect those with severe thyroid conditions. To reduce or eliminate any potential concern, boil or parboil Brussels sprouts before slicing.

Whichever way you decide to prepare your next round of Brussels sprouts, these robust veggies make a hearty salad base that will keep your belly nice and full. Brussels sprouts firm leaves can withstand a creamy dressing beyond the predicated meal time and their overall makeup provides your tastebuds with a nice textural change of pace. Whether you consume Brussels sprouts raw, cooked, or a bit of both, these hearty veggies are a delightful addition to your next alternative Caesar salad.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.