Sweet Weimaraner Mix Surrendered to Shelter All Because Family 'Had No Time for Him'

People need to understand that dog's are a lifelong commitment.

A Florida-based shelter, known on TikTok as @humanebroward, shared a heartbreaking reality for animals in shelters. The truth is that sometimes families surrender their animals to shelters just because they don't have time or can't handle it. We wish more people knew the time commitment it actually takes to be a pet owner.

That's what happened to this beautiful 6-year-old Weimaraner mix named Arnold. His family gave him up because they 'had no time for him' and that absolutely shatters our hearts. He looks the like the goodest boy ever. Plus, who wouldn't want to have this sweet, sweet face in their home?!

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Aww! We feel so bad he went through this. He's probably so confused and feels abandoned. We hope this video finds the right family and this precious dog gets to go to his forever home. He's so sweet and calm and affectionate. What's not to love about Arnold!?

"Sweet boy. He deserves the best home!" said @loloxoxx2. He deserves the best home with endless kisses and treats. @bondvillain007 added, "I hope you find your forever home soon." We're all hoping for that so social media, work your magic! @Toesinthesand123 commented, "Oh, he's a handsome guy." Right?! We'd adopt him in a heartbeat if we lived nearby!

If you're interested in adopting Arnold, or another animal, please visit the Humane Society Broward County website for more information.

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