What Is A Swedish Apple Pie And What Makes It Unique?

Hands pie an apple crisp out of the oven
Hands pie an apple crisp out of the oven - evrymmnt/Shutterstock

Who exactly gets the right to call apple pie theirs? Well, it gets pretty confusing. You've probably heard the phrase "as American as apple pie," but we now know the dessert to be of English origin. To make things even more convoluted, there's another variety of the dessert you might have never heard of before: Swedish apple pie.

So, what makes this particular pie Swedish? Well, Swedish apple pie is an American-style version of a popular Swedish dessert known as smulpaj, or, crumble pie. The smulpaj is a fruit pie, usually made from berries, that comes without a pie shell. Alternatively, Swedish apple pie is also a crustless pie, but made exclusively with apples and sugar. This thick apple filling also comes topped with even more sugar and plenty of butter, among other things, to create a crunchy, flaky top layer.

Altogether, this dish is warm, rich, and (best of all) easy to make. For that reason, the decadent dessert is a great option for novice bakers — it only requires you to dump everything into a pan. But that ease of baking isn't the only thing that sets this pie apart from a regular apple pie.

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How Swedish Apple Pie Compares To Other Desserts

Baking ingredients for an apple dessert
Baking ingredients for an apple dessert - Alvarez/Getty Images

Other than the name, what makes Swedish apple pie similar to, and different from, traditional apple pie?

For one, Swedish apple pie isn't really "pie." (It seems like the only accurate classifier in this dish's name is the word "apple.") This dessert doesn't come in a pastry shell at all. Instead, the crust forms from a butter mixture that's poured on top of the apples and baked. This dish is more akin to something like an apple crisp or a crumble than a pie.

Differences aside, these two pies share some similarities. Both desserts can be made with a wide variety of apples, from Granny Smith to gala. The important thing is to choose an apple that won't become mushy as it's baked. Swedish apple pie can match the heavenly flavors of classic apple pie. It simply takes less time and skill to make it happen. And for that, bakers of all levels sing its praises.

Fans' Thoughts On Swedish Apple Pie

A Swedish apple pie
A Swedish apple pie - simplywell.lydia / Instagram

Swedish apple pie might not be the easiest dessert to find pre-made at the store, but it's one that can make your kitchen smell like heaven if you make it at home. Some bakers have already tried their hands at creating this simple dish, and the reviews are in.One Instagram post showed a picture of freshly-baked Swedish apple pie where the baker used five different types of apples in the dessert. Fans seemed eager to give the dish a try looking at its beautiful presentation, with one user stating plainly, "I don't cook! But even I want to make that!" Another Instagram user claimed that they had just stuck the pie in the oven and that their kitchen already smelled delicious. And one fan of the dish took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to compliment the complex aromas of the dish, saying it smelled exactly like the fall season.

For lovers of cinnamon and spice (and of easy recipes), Swedish apple pie could be right up your alley. No matter what Swedish apple pie's true origins are, any variety of pie is for everyone to enjoy.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.