Suspected Shark Bites Surfer in Northern California

On Friday afternoon, officials were dispatched to Linda Mar, Pacifica State Beach, just south of San Francisco, with reports of a potential shark attack.

The victim, a 52-year-old man was surfing when something – it was unclear if it was a shark or not – chomped a chunk out of his leg. The victim did not see what the attacking animal was, nor were officials able to confirm a shark in the area.

With minor injuries, the victim was transported to the hospital for treatment.

Describing the incident, a witness told KTVU:

“So my friend and I were surfing next to the guy that got attacked. And he basically mentioned something along the lines of, ‘hey, I got bit and was sort of struggling in the water.’ And my friend asked him if there was a bad bite and he said, ‘yes.’ And then we were all able to get on our boards and get out of the there and yeah when we got back, he had a pretty good-looking bite around the side of his leg.”

The attack comes just days after a far more tragic incident to the north. That was when a beloved local kite-surfer, Felix Louis N’Jai, was swimming with friends off Point Reyes in Marin County when an alleged shark pulled him under, never to be seen again.

As for this alleged attack at Pacifica, the victim was far luckier – and he’ll likely have a story to tell his grandkids one day.


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