Survey Shows Major Decline in Gen-Z Men Identifying as Feminists Compared to Previous Generations

A new study determined that most Gen-Z men do not identify as feminists. The report, published Thursday by The Survey Center on American Life, interviewed 5,000 participants, with an emphasis on young adults, to document how teenage experiences have changed over generations. It found a significant decrease in the number of Gen-Z versus millennial men who identify as feminists.

Amongst baby boomers, Gen-Xers, millennials, and Gen-Z, the latter generation represented the largest divide between sexes when it came to views on feminism. 61 percent of Gen-Z women, versus just 43 percent of the generation’s men, agree that they’re feminists. As for millennials, a nearly equal number of men and women—52 percent and 54 percent, respectively—felt that the feminist label applied to them.

Gen-X men see eye-to-eye with male Gen-Zers. An identical 43 percent of men in that bracket call themselves feminists, compared to 49 percent of the generation’s women. Of all four generations polled, Gen-X saw the lowest percentage of female feminists. A slightly higher 50 percent of female baby boomers said they identified as such, while just 38 percent of men agreed.

In an interesting wrinkle, some men across all generations admitted that feminism has made the world a better place but did not identify as feminist. Once again, this disconnect was particularly pronounced in Generation Z. 69 percent of female Gen-Zers agreed with the sentiment, while only 52 percent of men felt the same. Overall, women were significantly more likely than men—63 percent versus 53 percent, respectively—to credit feminism with bettering the world.

The report found that Gen-Z was removed from other generations in more ways than feminism. They played outside less often, had fewer romantic experiences, and were unlikely to hold part-time jobs in their youth or be religiously affiliated. Their tech-heavy upbringing, too, led to different views and beliefs.

“Whether social media or video games, technology has played a much more significant role in their adolescence than for any previous generation,” the study reads. “As technological and societal changes accelerate, the differences between generations will grow, making them more relevant.”

This is just the latest study to set Gen-Z apart from previous generations. A UCLA report found that the generation was far less interested in seeing sex depicted in TV shows and movies than other gens. Recently, a OnePoll survey determined that, despite being a bit prudish, Gen-Z takes Halloween more seriously than millennials.