Survey Finds the Best Cities for Dog Lovers

Tough luck for Motown pups.

The National Dog Day festivities are continuing this week; LawnStarter, a lawn care marketplace, took it upon themselves to “sniff out” the most dog-friendly cities in the country, and some pups are sure to be disappointed this year. 

In advance of the holiday, which falls on Friday, Aug. 26, LawnStarter evaluated almost 175 of the biggest cities in the United States, factoring in both availability and affordability of housing, services, and care, as well as other indicators like local animal-related policy, dog-accessible businesses, number of events for pups, and more.

Orlando fills in the number one slot, followed by Miami, Las Vegas, San Diego and Austin. The southern half of the country happens to house the majority of the top 50 furiendliest locales, making it an attractive destination if you’re looking to relocate.

As for the bottom slot, our congratulations go out to Detroit, which managed to fall near the bottom in almost every category, making it a less than ideal permanent residence—or even vacation spot—for canines. Funnily enough, Detroit was also found to be the least cat-friendly city, while Orlando swooped into that top slot, too.

The rankings are further broken out into categories like cities with the most dog meetups (New York), the most dog-friendly restaurants per square mile (Alexandria, VA), and the most dog-walking friendly (Portland, OR), among others. Other interesting findings include the western half of the country offering the best medical care for your furry companions,

Check out the full results for more fun categories and the complete list of rankings. 

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