The Surprising Meaning Behind Angel Number 143

If a number keeps presenting itself in your life, it may feel like a strange coincidence. Sure, 1:43 on the clock, 143 on the odometer, and 1 hour and 43 minutes on your GPS might seem totally unremarkable, but if the number 143 recurs more than three times in the span of a few weeks, it's no longer a coincidence — it is a message from the universe — and it will continue to pester you until you acknowledge it and respond. If you’ve found yourself here, chances are the angel number 143 has made its presence known to you. So with the help of a spiritual trainer and an astronumerologist, we’re here to decode the meaning behind the number 143.

If you find other combinations of numbers frequently recurring in your life, check out our interpretations of angel number's 666, 1111, 404, 212, and more. If your mind is totally boggled, start with our article that explains what angel numbers are, and revisit this page for insights specific to 143.

143 Angel Number Meaning

If the number 143 has made its presence known in your life, it’s time to figure out what it means. There are many different numerological systems in which to interpret angel numbers — all with slightly different meanings. According to astronumerologist and author, Jesse Kalsi, Vedic tradition, the oldest of the numerological systems, assigns a number to each planet in our solar system.

  • Number 1 is represented by the Sun

  • Number 2 is represented by the Moon

  • Number 3 is represented by Jupiter

  • Number 4 is represented by Uranus

  • Number 5 is represented by Mercury

  • Number 6 is represented by Venus

  • Number 7 is represented by Neptune

  • Number 8 is represented by Saturn

  • Number 9 is represented by Mars

“According to the Vedic system, the number 143 carries the energy of the Sun (1), Uranus (4), and Jupiter (3), which can be a challenging combination,” says Kalsi. “These planets do not blend or flow well together because the Sun and Jupiter are both strong planets [that] butt heads and oppose each other.” The Sun symbolizes leadership and purpose while Jupiter symbolizes success and abundance. When combined in a number such as 143, these two powerhouses mute each other, letting Uranus (4) take center stage.

This means, 143 is most similar in meaning to the numerological understanding of 4, a number which symbolizes stability and conscientiousness. When combined with 1 and 3, the angel number 143 represents support, foundation, and reliability.

143 angel number meaning white 143 against wood
Luis Echeverri Urrea - Getty Images


To better understand the intricacies of 143, we need to look at the meaning of each number within it, for a breakdown of 1, 4, and 3, then assess the trio as a whole in 143.

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Life Path

One’s life path is found by adding the digits of an angel number together. In this instance, the equation would be 1 + 4 + 3 = 8. Though 143 carries its own individual meaning, we turn to 8 to unlock one’s path in life. The number 8 has two facets, much like its double circle appearance. “Although it signifies that one has to work hard from the beginning to overcome certain obstacles, it also grants the person resilience and wisdom to overcome their challenges,” says Kalsi. Once a person masters this skill, they will achieve their higher purpose.

143 angel number meaning 8 life path number
Naomi Rahim - Getty Images

Since the appearance of an 8 is never-ending, an infinite loop, it recognizes the need of connectedness. Those with the life path number of 8 use their abilities to help others. They understand that a meaningful existence does not come from isolation but rather from relationships with others. Not only are they connected to those around them, but they are also in relation with the interconnectivity of the universe. They have strong manifesting powers and easier access to their higher self.


Because of 143's life path number and its connectivity to the universe, those who repetitively see 143 tend to have a strong connection to the spirit realm. Though, it must still be nurtured and strengthened through practices such as meditation and mindfulness. “This number also signifies that guardian angels are nearby and to call on them for guidance and support,” says Berry. Since the number 143 represents growth and success, it signals that guardian angels are ready and wiling to help.

“The Universe encourages expanding spiritually and developing connection to its power. When seeing 143, it brings [about] the ability to open up new doors and gain access into places where there were no other options before,” says Berry. “It’s a reminder to be open to guidance from the Universe.” The spiritual goal of the number 143 is to evolve to one’s highest level of spiritual awareness.


The number 143, in the context of love, is a positive sign. “[It] shows that a more profound spiritual connection is happening in personal relationships,” says Berry. The success often associated with the number 3 shines in this area while the reliability and groundedness often associated with 4 makes for great relationship foundations. “[This] energy is conducive to finding and keeping long-term love,” says Kalsi. So if you’re looking for a sign to tell you if they're ‘the one,’ this is it!

If 143 keeps presenting itself in romantic settings such as on a wine menu while at dinner, in the phone number of your SO, or during times of intimacy, it could be a sign that you should prioritize love and/or your relationship. The universe is communicating that your partner is a positive connection and is pushing you to go all in. The number 143 is basically an energetic green light saying, ‘Dive in! Go for it! Invest in your life partner.’ You must recognize this message and act.

Finance & Career

Harking back to the individual meanings of 1, 4, and 3, they are great indications of triumph. One channel’s leadership, 4 reliability, and 3 achievement. Together, they are a recipe for success. The caveat is that the bounty of these affairs will come later. 143, through the lens of finances and career, is foreshadowing. “Angels are telling [you] that the ability to attract money is available, but it will require work and effort,” says Berry.

“This number says the Universe wants to bring abundance but only when one is ready to receive it.” If a person has faith and continues chipping away at their financial and career goals, they will achieve what they are looking for, in due time. Just remember to have patience, as success will not happen overnight.


For health, the 4 in 143 stands out. It’s about building foundations for growth, and in the context of health, it requires a reexamination of habits. When stripped of the responsibilities that demand time and attention, there must be enough energy remaining to invest in one’s mind, body, and soul. If the well is dry and there is nothing left to give to yourself, it may be time for a change in routine.

A person cannot build a strong life without a foundation of good health. Luckily, “this number also gives an energy of commitment [to] personal growth and development and will lead to [an] improvement [of] areas that are currently lacking,” says Berry. If a person who frequently sees the number 143 wants to turn their health around, guardian angels and their own tenacity will help them achieve it; they just need to act on it.

Bottom line: “If you keep seeing 143, it is the universe’s way of asking you to pay attention,” says Kalsi. Success lies ahead in your personal, career, and romantic endeavors, but one must lay the groundwork for it to come to fruition. So focus, put in the work, call on your guardian angels, and trust that the goals you are working toward will not be in vain. Success will come when the time is right.

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