The Surprising High-Fat Snack That Is So Good For Weight Loss

woman buying canned good at grocery store
woman buying canned good at grocery store

Snacking is a common part of our daily lives, offering a quick energy boost and a satisfying pause in our busy schedules. While many of us associate snacks with indulgent treats, it’s important to recognize that not all snacks are created equal. In particular, high-fat snacks have gained attention in recent years, often raising concerns about their impact on our health and weight. However, it might surprise you to learn that some high-fat snacks can actually be beneficial for weight loss when chosen wisely and consumed in moderation.

We spoke with Jesse Feder, a personal trainer & registered dietitian, to learn about the one high-fat snack that can aid in weight loss, surprisingly. Feder shared that guacamole with veggie sticks is a great option to satisfy those frequent snack cravings. Read on to learn more.

Guacamole With Veggie Sticks

Guacamole, a creamy and delicious dip made primarily from ripe avocados, is a high-fat snack that can actually support weight loss efforts. Avocados are rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, which promote feelings of fullness and help control cravings. When paired with crisp and fiber-rich vegetable sticks, guacamole becomes a nutrient-packed snack that not only satisfies your taste buds but also provides essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber.

"The high amounts of fat and fiber is great for promoting long term satiety which means you will have a reduced urge to snack or eat more during the day. This is great for reducing overall calorie intake and losing weight. Additionally, veggie sticks provided added nutrients and fiber to help provide you with added health benefits," Feder said.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, guacamole paired with veggie sticks presents a delicious and nutritious snacking option that can positively impact your weight management goals. The combination of healthy fats and fiber in this snack helps stabilize blood sugar levels and keeps you feeling satisfied longer, making it an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight while enjoying a tasty treat. To incorporate this wholesome snack into a healthy diet, consider portion control and balance. Enjoy it as an afternoon pick-me-up, a side dish, or a pre-meal appetizer to curb your appetite and make nutritious choices throughout the day.