We Wanna Know The Thing That Surprised You Most About Being Married

You always knew the moment you said "I do," you would be embarking on a life full of happily ever after.

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But to be honest, there was probably a thing or two about being married that caught you totally by surprise.


So we want to know what surprised you about marriage.


Maybe it caught you off guard how much your marriage changed after having kids.


Or perhaps you thought your sex life would get stale, but it actually got more exciting the longer you'd been together.


Maybe you didn't realize that so many of the qualities you used to love in your partner would become annoying after getting married.

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Or that making good married couple friends would be harder than you thought.


Or maybe it just surprised you the way your spouse can still give you butterflies, even after so many years.


Whatever surprised you about being married, we want to hear about it! Tell us in the comments section, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!