Surprise! Rachel McAdams Is Pregnant with Her First Child (and Sadly, It’s Not Ryan Gosling’s)

Rachel McAdams is about to take on a role that rivals her portrayal of Allie Hamilton in The Notebook: motherhood.

According to E!, the actress is reportedly pregnant with her first child, and we have some great suggestions for boy and girl names (ahem, Noah and Allie).

The Game Night star is allegedly expecting a bebe with her boyfriend of about two years, screenwriter Jamie Linden. (Yep, we’re heartbroken it’s not Ryan Gosling’s, too.)

McAdams has spoken in the past about wanting children, telling People in 2009, “Having a few [kids] would be great. My mom is a great inspiration to me...She’s a nurse and very nurturing and gentle. She lets me be who I am. Hopefully I can take on those qualities and be as great as her.”

If Rachel McAdams is a pregnant bird, then we’re a pregnant bird. That’s how it goes, right?

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