Surf-Stoked Levi McConaughey Launches Insta Profile

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Alright, alright, alright.

We’re guessing that’s what Levi McConaughey is saying about getting the gift of social media for his 15th birthday from his famous parents, Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves.

With two surf-themed posts so far and a bio that states “Surf🏄‍♂️ Snow🏂 Shoot📸 Style👓 Sound 🎶,” it’s clear the grom loves to surf.

Naturally, he tagged yours truly, @surfer_magazine. We’re flattered, Levi.

In his first post above, a montage features multiple surf clips with the actor’s eldest child surfing pretty well. They include Levi dropping in on a bomb, ripping on some smaller waves, going backside at a wave pool, and a shot of multiple surf-inflicted scrapes and bandages on his back.

Bragging rights, Levi. We know the feeling.

He posted the above video yesterday with the caption: “wave wanderer #LeviSurfs.”

The two-part post contains one video of the grom getting barreled, and a still shot of… yep, another barrel. Both barrels are rights and show the regular footer getting respectively deep.

The teen's probably stoked he’s got a few pro followers too, like the North Shore’s Kalani Chapman, Cali’s Strider Wasilewski, and Aussie Yadin Nicol.

As to be expected, Levi’s posts already have an abundance of comments.

"Sick one grom 🙌🔥🙌" said Strider.

While Yadin commented “So sick, Levi! 🙌🏻”

The young McConaughey didn’t specify where the shots were taken.

One follower took a guess: "Mex somewhere?"


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