A Supergirl Stunt Performer Became the First Woman to Complete This America Ninja Warrior Stage—Watch Now

Credit: Valerie Macon/AFP/Getty

During the national finals in Las Vegas for NBC's strength and endurance competition American Ninja Warrior, contestant Jessie Graff made history as the first woman to complete Stage 1 of the incredibly difficult national finals obstacle course. She finished fourth overall with a seriously impressive 12 seconds to spare after hitting the red finish line button. Graff, whose day job has included performing stunts on Supergirl and Heroes, finished in second place for the city finals in Los Angeles and was the first woman to complete a city course two years in a row.

#AmericanNinjaWarrior is headed to Las Vegas for the National Finals next! Who's ready? pic.twitter.com/QHFy1zl1ph

-- Ninja Warrior (@ninjawarrior) August 28, 2016

Graff played off her super hero persona during the intense competition by competing in a bright green sport's bra and skirt, with matching green sneakers. She completed a course that knocked plenty of fit men (and women) out of the running for the American Ninja Warrior title, and was clearly relieved and proud of her efforts when she got to the finish line. Plus, she was awarded the "Run of the Night" for her agility and incredible finish time. Watch the feat in the video at top.

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Find out if Graff breaks more records as she competes on American Ninja Warrior this season, which continues with more finalists and new stages Monday, Sept. 5, at 8 p.m. ET on NBC.