The Superfood To Add To Smoothies For Energy And Balanced Hormones

woman adding scoop of maca powder to smoothie ingredients in blender
woman adding scoop of maca powder to smoothie ingredients in blender

Smoothies are a great way to fit important nutrients into your diet. They’re delicious, easy to make, and so versatile, which means you can add just about any ingredient your heart desires to the mix—and that presents endless opportunities not only for great flavors, but also for fantastic health benefits offered by superfoods. As it turns out, there’s one ingredient you may not have considered that could bring your smoothies to the next level: Maca root.

To learn all about this root, we checked in with dietitian Krutika Nanavati.  Read on to discover some of the benefits of maca, from improved energy levels to balanced hormones and more.

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Benefits of maca

"Maca, a superfood native to the high mountains of Peru, is rooted in traditional cultures as an ancient health remedy," Nanavati told us. "With its rich nutty flavor and creamy texture, maca is becoming a popular addition to smoothies for its potential health benefits." We'll dive into a few below.


If you're looking for a way to pack more essential nutrients into your diet so that your body can thrive to the best of its ability, Nanavati says that adding maca to your smoothies is a great idea. This superfood packs in a range of helpful vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B1, B2, C, E, and calcium, iron, magnesium, and amino acids.

In addition to those great benefits, Nanavati cites maca as a good source of proteins, carbs, and essential fatty acids, which are also crucial to a healthy diet. Incredible!

Boost energy

Want to find a way to stay energized throughout the day without having to drink cup after cup of coffee to stay awake and focused? Maca could be the solution you're looking for, according to Nanavati.

"Among the most notable benefits of adding maca to smoothies is its potential to boost energy," she says. "Maca contains high levels of glucosinolates, which help convert food into usable energy that can last throughout the day." In addition to these energy-boosting qualities, this ingredient can also have long-term effects: "Maca may also reduce feelings of fatigue and tiredness with regular use."

Discover some more energy-boosting ingredients here. 

Balance hormones

Hormone balancing has become an especially buzzy wellness topic in recent years. Your hormones can play a role in practically every area of your overall health, and there are several things you can do to balance them naturally. That includes making a few changes to your diet. As it turns out, adding maca to the mix can be a great choice.

"Maca has been used in traditional cultures for centuries to stabilize hormones linked to both men's and women's health including estrogen and testosterone," Nanavati explains. "It may also help reduce PMS symptoms such as cramping, headaches, mood swings, and bloating." Who knew?!

Read more about how to balance your hormones naturally here. 

How to add maca to your smoothies

So, now that you know about all the incredible benefits of maca, you may be ready to start reaping them immediately by adding them to your blender. Before you give this superfood a shot, there are a few things Nanavati says you should keep in mind.

Start small

"First, it is important to start with a small dosage of maca and gradually increase it over time," Nanavati tells us, noting that this is the best way to avoid toxicity. She suggests "starting with no more than 1 teaspoon per day and working up to as much as 1-2 tablespoons daily." Noted!

Add maca last

While smoothies are a great source of nutrients, it's also important for them to taste good. In order to achieve the best flavor possible, Nanavati suggests adding your maca powder to the mix last.

"This will ensure maximum creaminess without compromising the taste of your smoothie," she assures us. This way, you can reap all the benefits of this ingredient without having to sacrifice the great smoothie taste you love.

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The bottom line

Ultimately, the best way to nourish your body is through a diverse diet consisting of a variety of nutrient-rich foods. It's important to remember that there's no one miracle food out there that can grant you optimal health. However, when you regularly eat superfoods like maca, you'll be one step closer to a nutritious diet that will keep your body and brain happy and healthy. Why not add some maca to your smoothie today?