Sun Valley Making Progress On New Challenger, Flying Squirrel Lifts

Ski resorts across North America are leaning into various infrastructure improvement projects this summer.

One such endeavor, Sun Valley, Idaho's Warm Springs Enhancement, is properly underway. Here's an update on the project from the resort's Grooming & Trails Manager, John Nichols.

The Warm Springs Enhancement focuses on improving the skiing experience at, you guessed it, Sun Valley's Warm Springs base area.

These are the planned infrastructure upgrades:

Sun Valley is removing the Greyhawk Quad and replacing the iconic Challenger Quad with a high-speed six-seater. To maintain access to the Greyhawk Lift's terrain, the new Challenger Lift will have a mid-station near Greyhawk's previous top station. Sun Valley estimates the upgraded Challenger will be 35% faster than its past iteration, transporting skiers from the Warm Springs base to the Bald Mountain summit in 8 minutes.

The second development is the construction of the new Flying Squirrel high-speed quad. This quad replaces the rarely used previous Flying Squirrel lift, which was lost in a 2014 fire. The improved Flying Squirrel quad will also depart from the Warm Springs base, accessing the Frenchman's Chair's terrain network.

Development of the new Challenger and Flying Squirrel lifts is in its 11th week. Sun Valley estimates that both chairs will open to skiers during the 2023-2024 season.

For more information, check out this press release from Sun Valley.

Map showing the new Flying Squirrel and Challenger lifts<p>Sun Valley Resort</p>
Map showing the new Flying Squirrel and Challenger lifts

Sun Valley Resort

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