Your Summer Solstice Horoscope Is Here

Your Summer Solstice Horoscope Is Here

June 21 marks the summer solstice, the start of Cancer season, and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. (Sorry, Southern Hemisphere, it’s our turn to bask in the Sun.) Also known as Midsummer and Litha, the Summer Solstice marks a time of celebration, joy, and happiness. This is an opportunity to manifest your passions, embrace your friendships, and honor what you love most in your life.

If you’re feeling frisky, you might want to go to the beach and jump in the ocean, then have a bonfire party with your crew and share secrets under the moonlight. Or you could just head to the local bar and make a toast to your intentions with an Aperol spritz. Either way, have fun and do what makes you smile today.

Your summer solstice horoscope:


It’s okay to spend the solstice away from the limelight and at home—avoid the peer pressure to go out if you don’t want to. Even if you watch TV and stay in bed, you’ll relish the opportunity of spending QT with yourself or your loved ones.


Life’s extremely busy these days, which is why it’s essential for you to stay organized and on top of things. If you feel like you can’t, then don’t be too proud to ask for help. You’ll find that you have a lot of support—but only if you ask for it.


Your confidence is booming, because you’re finally feeling content in life. Yes, there have been a few speed bumps and a touch of drama recently, but in the end you are happy with the way it's all turned out. Sit back and enjoy the solstice with ease.


Every now and then, you should check in with your emotions to make sure that you’re not over- or under-reacting to situations. Allow yourself to feel your feels and take time to understand the way you respond. This will bring you closer to yourself and your desires.


This is a wonderful time for R&R. Finding a moment of calm and stillness in a world that’s always moving is more important than ever today. The more energy you give to yourself instead of others, the easier it’ll be to unwind and chill.


Use the solstice to celebrate the friendships in your life. Having true besties who will always stand by your side is important and rare. And that's exactly why you should show them just how much you appreciate their kindness, empathy, and loyalty.


Working 9 to 5 may be a hard hustle at times, but it’s currently paying off in big ways. A promotion or raise is in the works for you. Let your boss know that you’re willing to take on extra assignments, and it could lead to a big advance in your career.


Your lust for life is at a high, allowing you to feel optimistic about the future. Don’t shy away from situations that may seem challenging at the moment, as they’ll ease up shortly. You will have the opportunity to embrace other enriching, exciting, and rewarding possibilities soon.


Currently, you’re looking to hold your emotions close to your chest. Even though you are an extremely open person, you need some privacy in your life. This means withholding information that is nobody’s business but your own and not sharing every little secret or rumor that you hear.


It won’t be hard to improve your relationships in the weeks ahead. Right now, you want to give your loved ones some extra time and affection. Although you are not one to wear your heart on your sleeve, you know it's important to recognize your close partnerships.


You want to help others without asking for anything in return. You're a pro at giving advice, doing errands, and even being a shoulder to cry on. Free advice: Make sure your cup is full before pouring out to others to avoid emotional burnout. Remember that you have to take care of yourself, too.


Your innate artistry wants to come out. Take a risk by showing off your talents to those you trust and respect. Odds are they’ll have positive feedback to offer you, and it will motivate and inspire you to create even more in the upcoming week.

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