Stunning iPhone 14 Pro photos show the awesome camera upgrade it delivers

 iPhone 14 Pro camera close up
iPhone 14 Pro camera close up

The iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max are all about the cameras, with improved lenses, a new zoom option and a big upgrade from 12MP to 48MP sensors. But what does that actually mean in practice?

Well, Austin Mann is here to show you. If you're unsure whether the iPhone 14 Pro or Pro Max are for you, his photo essay will help you decide.

Every year, Austin Mann takes the latest iPhones on a trip to put their cameras through their paces – and this year he took them to the Scottish Highlands, where he took some spectacular shots. Not only that, but he's published them alongside the same pics taken with the iPhone 13 Pro so you can see exactly what's different in this year's cameras.

What these photos show about the iPhone 14 Pro

As Mann demonstrates, the higher resolution sensors deliver two key things. Vastly improved resolution so you can crop photos without losing detail – Mann's examples are superb – and the ability to take shots that are destined to be printed at very large sizes.

However, according to Mann "12 megapixels is still where the camera really shines – it's lightning fast, it's the same resolution across all lenses, and it's fantastic in low light". That's because at 12MP the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max combine four pixels into one super pixel, equivalent to one very large pixel – and that means it captures more light, reducing noise and improving low light shots quite dramatically.

I really love what Mann's done here: his photos are great and his explanations of what's going on are top-notch. There's also a really good demonstration of the new Action Mode for video that makes it very clear what its upsides and downsides are. If you're even slightly thinking about buying an iPhone 14 Pro or Pro Max, Mann's guide is a must-read.