Study shows that pizza is the best way to motivate employees to work hard (duh)

Study shows that pizza is the best way to motivate employees to work hard (duh)

Study shows that pizza is the best way to motivate employees to work hard (duh)
Study shows that pizza is the best way to motivate employees to work hard (duh)

Let them eat pizza! No, we insist — pizza makes people work hard AF, Uproxx reports. Since everyone knows pizza is basically the boss of all foods, no one should be surprised by its power of persuasion, but we have to admit it’s a bit shocking to learn that pizza has the most positive motivational influence in a work environment — even more than money.

yeah right
yeah right

Although this information certainly sounds side-eye worthy, it’s also true. According to an experiment conducted by Dan Ariely at a semiconductor factory in India, pizza increased employee productivity by 6.7 percent. Right on its heels was “compliments from the boss,” which increased productivity by 6.6 percent.

So the basic takeaway from this seems to be feed your employees a shit ton of pizza and tell them how wonderful they are to encourage them to get the job done. Sounds good, right? Yes, but here’s that shocking aspect we mentioned: The employees basically gave zero effs about being offered more money.

dont want 2
dont want 2

NY Mag sums it up:

But the worst motivator, much to the company’s surprise, was the cash bonus, which increased productivity by just 4.9 percent as compared to the control group.

But wait! It gets worse:

On the second day of the workweek, those in the money condition performed 13.2 percent worse than those in the control group. This leveled out over the next several days, but for the week overall, the cash bonus ended up costing the company more and resulted in a 6.5 percent drop in productivity.

Sheesh. Who knew that the Pavlovian response to pizza involved drooling and the motivation to work your ass off? Are we the only ones having a slight existential crisis over the fact that food is essentially more important in the workplace than money?

Give us a minute to process this information, guys. If you don’t acknowledge the power of pizza, this should definitely make a believer out of you.

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