New Study Shows Just How Effective Drop Sets Are in Building Muscle

Weightlifting to achieve your specific goals can be a tricky science. Whether you're opting for a high number of reps or a heavy amount of weight, every set plays a critical part in moving toward those achievements.

For years, trainers have preached the benefits of drop sets as a way of maximizing gains in the least amount of time and effort possible. The technique involves starting with a moderate or heavy amount of weight and slowly reducing the weight you're lifting while simultaneously increasing the number of reps.

A new study published in Sports Medicine Open backs up the idea that you can make the same gains in a shorter gym session using drop sets as you would in a longer workout. Scientists from Nord University in Norway examined six studies and a total of 142 participants, mostly men, ranging in age from 19–27 to reach their conclusion.

The research confirms that you can get the same gains as you would in a full workout in half or even a third of the time using drop sets. According to the research, the team's findings "indicate that drop sets present an efficient strategy for maximizing hypertrophy in those with limited time for training."

Drop sets are based on a basic fitness principle called progressive overload. Exercising muscle tissues while balancing your workouts with rest and recovery are crucial to ensuring your muscles break down and build back bigger and stronger. Drop sets can also help burn more calories and even raise your heart rate to provide some aerobic benefits. To incorporate the approach into your workouts, start with a moderate weight, aim for at least three decreases in weight amount, and reduce it by about 20 percent each time.

As summer cut season makes way for the winter bulk, it may be time to think about revamping your usual workout routine.