Student Playing Hooky Runs Into Teacher On Ski Chairlift

Playing hooky on work or school to take advantage of a powder day is one of the oldest tricks in the book. You feign a sore throat, give your boss or school front office a call, and voila! Obligations begone.

But what if you were skipping school and ran into your teacher, who was also playing hooky?

It's not just a hypothetical -- in this classic video shared on Reddit earlier this year, a student cutting class to ski at Willamette Pass, Oregon, encountered, you guessed it, their teacher.

(Turn the audio up as the conversation is a bit hard to hear.)

View the original article to see embedded media.

I love this video. It's one of those situations that belongs in a comedy flick or a weird dream.

While the teacher in this one was laid back, I can totally imagine a stricter teacher asking the student, "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

To which the student could retort, "Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

There's not much you could say in response to that.

Anyway, convincing people to skip school or work and go skiing isn't my job. But hey, when the snow starts piling up, I doubt anyone would bat an eye if you suddenly came down with the flu or, even worse, mad pow disease.

Heck, you might even see your boss or teacher up there. Accute skitis doesn't discriminate.

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