I Have ADHD. Here Are 14 Genuinely Life-Altering Hacks That I Use On A Daily Basis

Hi! I'm Alice. I hate milk, love contemporary romance novels, and watch a lot of Real Housewives. Also, I have ADHD.

author posing with their dog

At 17, I insisted on being evaluated for ADHD — despite some people telling me that I was just lazy and needed to apply myself.

graphic of an ink scribble where a brain is supposed to be

My doctor determined that I am, in fact, "the poster child for ADHD." Still, it took me over a decade to find the right systems and hacks to navigate daily life.

a doctor saying, you have ADHD, Alice, and a photo of the author pasted over the patient's body with the text, No shit

Here are some hacks that make my life 1,000x easier. If you have ADHD and struggle with basic tasks, I hope you find these tips helpful!

1.Procrastination hack: Follow the mantra "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."

character saying, pobody's nerfect

2.To-do list hack: Limit lists to three–five items.

list of five things to do

3.Trick my brain/body into action hack (part 1): Listen to my "Manufactured Serotonin" playlist.

screenshot showing the songs on the playlist

4.Trick my brain/body into action hack (part 2): Have an orgasm.

an artful explosion of colors

5.Make myself put the phone down, get up, and DO SOMETHING hack: Literally throw my phone across the room.

This is pretty self-explanatory, but one day I was so annoyed with myself for wasting hours on my phone that I threw it across the room. It forced me to get out of bed and start moving, so I kept doing it.(I have a good phone case/cover and only throw it on carpets/rugs/cushions to prevent it from cracking. Be smart if you try this hack because I take absolutely no responsibility for your cracked phone.)Bonus phone-related hack: I bought this phone case with a card holder on the back and a handle so I can keep it on my wrist without losing it 10x/day.

6.Wake up with minimal struggle hack: Set an alarm for one hour before I need to get up so I can take my stimulant medication.

clock that reads, crap

7.Bonus clock-related hack: This timer thing is amazing.

clock blocked out for different timers

8.Drink enough water for my body to function properly hack: Eat something spicy.

I forget to eat and drink when I get sucked into an activity, so when I come up for air I'm dehydrated and have a raging headache. So I eat something punishingly spicy and add some extra hot sauce for good measure, and all of a sudden I've downed three to four glasses of water in 15 minutes.

9.Remember to take all my meds throughout the day hack: Use a water bottle with a built-in pill case.

water bottle with pill departments for each day

10.Override my mindset of "I would rather take a fork to my eyeball than complete this tedious, mind-numbing task" hack: Find a podcast I love, download every episode I can, and play it while I go around doing chores I absolutely hate.

Some people prefer playing music, audiobooks, or a TV show/movie in the background, but I loooove binging a good podcast. Load your phone/tablet up with as many episodes as possible and cling to that sucker like it's your last hope for maintaining sanity in a sea of mundane bullshit (which it is).If you're looking for some podcast recommendations, I'm absolutely obsessed with Maintenance Phase, XOXO, Gossip Kings, and The Juice with Solomon Georgio.

11.Reading like I did as a kid before I lost the ability to finish a single book hack: Find the adult version of books I loved when I was younger.

This hack was inspired by my favorite BookTuber, uncarley. She also has ADHD and made a video about how she still manages to read so much. TL;DR (lol): Figure out what you love and only read that — don't force yourself to read anything you don't like.I remembered loooooving Meg Cabot as a kid, so I went to my local independent bookstore and asked them what books are like

12.Prevent my house from becoming a total pigsty hack: I buy household items specifically designed to help my brain's ~*~problem areas.~*~

person dancing with their vacuum

13.Understanding my brain better hack: Research ADHD and figure out what changes I want/need in my life.

person with headphones in at their desk

14.Dream big hack: Set lofty goals.

author holding up a sign that says, what am I working towards

I want to know your ADHD hacks! Drop them in the comments below. 👇