Strong Winds Batter Gondola Cars In Chamonix

It's every resort skier's worst nightmare.

Several days ago, skier and van lifer Carly Van-Evelingen caught a video of gondola cars in Chamonix, France, being battered by high winds.

According to Van-Evelingen, high winds recently blasted through the Chamonix Valley.

"Thought the windows were gonna blow in," she wrote on Instagram. "I don't think I've ever experienced wind so strong in the valley the whole time I've been here."

Van-Evelingen's upload comes on the heels of another, more dramatic chairlift incident at Cervino Ski Paradise, Italy, that saw skiers clinging for their lives as high winds tossed a lift to and fro.

ABC News spoke with one skier—Barnaby Dunning—who became stuck on the lift at Cervino. "There were like, multiple moments of total panic and fear," Dunning told ABC News.

If you weren't convinced by now, these videos should leave you convinced: wind holds exist for a reason. No amount of powder skiing is worth going for the ride of your life.

Related: Ski Resort Helicopter Accidentally Drops Metal Object On Active Slope

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