Strength on display at HOPEE Award presentation in South Africa | Rosalind Tompkins

We just returned from South Africa and although it was a wonderful experience, I am so glad to be back home. As the saying goes, east or west, home is best! The South African Hope Tour consisted of traveling to Johannesburg, Durban, and Richard’s Bay. In celebration of Women’s Month for their country there were conferences and events held to encourage and empower women.

I met so many people who really needed to hear the message of hope because of the various challenges the nation is facing such as the economic crisis and political upheaval. However, the resilience and strength of the South African people were on full display as we remembered the motto of the women who first stood up against apartheid, “If you strike a woman, you strike a rock!”

Rosalind Tompkins with Gaopalelwe Seleka in Pretoria South Africa
Rosalind Tompkins with Gaopalelwe Seleka in Pretoria South Africa

In recognition of the fortitude of South African women we presented an International HOPEE (Helping Others Practice Enduring Empowerment) Award to Gaopalelwe Seleka. Gaopalelwe Seleka is a mother, wife, and community builder who has a passion for empowering women. She is the founder of a women’s movement called DIVAS (Divinely Inspired Victorious And Serving Ladies). DIVAS is a ministry for women which aims to equip them towards personal growth and impacting the lives of their communities.

Through DIVAS Lady Gao has done missions work in the African countries of Zimbabwe, Zambia, Liberia, Malawi, Swaziland, and Mozambique. I first met her in 2019 while on a mission's trip to Swaziland with Dr. Patricia Bailiey Ministries.

I told her that I was a Hopeologist, and she said that she wanted to become one. I preached at her and her husband, Bishop BT Seleka’s church, (Revival Baptist Church) in Pretoria as they were starting a drug outreach to help those addicted to Whoonga, a street drug that was very popular in South Africa.

Revival Baptist Church Members in Pretoria South Africa with Rosalind Tompkins, and Lady Gao with HOPEE Award.
Revival Baptist Church Members in Pretoria South Africa with Rosalind Tompkins, and Lady Gao with HOPEE Award.

We had a Hope Immersion Retreat Workshop before presenting the HOPEE award and although it was challenging because it was during load shedding, an ongoing period of widespread national blackouts of electricity supply, the participants really enjoyed themselves and were filled with hope. It was so encouraging to see everyone wearing their hope buttons and waving the hope flags.

For more information about Hope Immersion Retreats please visit

Rosalind Tompkins
Guest columnist
Rosalind Tompkins Guest columnist

Rosalind Y. Tompkins received a doctorate of humanities degree from the Five Fold Ministry Theological University in 2012. Find out more at

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: South African Tour begins and ends with hope