A Strength Coach Recommends 6 Forearm Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Photo credit: Mike Harrington - Getty Images
Photo credit: Mike Harrington - Getty Images

Trainer and Athlean-X founder Jeff Cavaliere C.S.C.S. has shared a wide range of workouts that can be completed at home with little to no equipment during a period when getting to the gym has proven difficult. In his most recent video, he focuses on exercises that can help you build bigger, stronger forearms with no need for dumbbells or barbells.

"The bottom line is, if you're looking for complete arm development, forearm training better be part of the plan," he says.

The first exercise is performed in a kneeling position, with the hands in front of you in a pushup position. The aim is to take the wrist from an extended position to a neutral position by pushing down into the ground: Cavaliere draws a line across his knuckles to highlight where the flexion should occur. This resisted flexion will overload the flexors on the inner side of the forearm.

The second exercise targets the extensor on the other side of the forearm, and is performed by laying the backs of the hands flat against the floor, and then slowly extending them until your wrist is once again in a straight neutral position. "The act of going from a flexed to a neutral position requires extension of the wrist that is going to help to build bigger forearms," says Cavaliere. He also demonstrates standing variations of these moves, for people with limited wrist mobility.

He then shows how you can add more weight by loading up a backpack with books or water bottles, holding it by the top strap, and performing a reverse curl. "This works the brachioradialis," he says. He also recommends overhanded or underhanded wrist curls, supporting the elbow on your knee and lifting the backpack in the exact same way you would a dumbbell.

If you have access to a pullup bar, either at home or in your local park, Cavaliere also suggests practicing the dead hang as an excellent forearm builder. In a pinch, even a tree branch will do.

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