These 'Stranger Things Season' 3 Memes Are The Content You Crave

Photo credit: Netflix - Getty Images
Photo credit: Netflix - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Twitter is delivering some prime Stranger Things memes and we rounded up the best, you're welcome!

  • Warning: There are spoilers lurking in here, so look away if you haven't watched Stranger Things Season 3 yet.

Hello, it's July 4th and the only content I crave is a) Stranger Things, b) hot dogs, and c) tweets and memes about Stranger Things. Same? Cool, glad we're all in agreement.

The show's new season just dropped on Netflix, and if you're reading this chances are you've either watched it, or just wanna see what all the ~fuss~ is about because your friends won't STFU. Either way, the internet is delivering some solid gold content, so let's dive right in. Much like Billy dove right into my heart when he showed up shirtless in a lifeguard uniform.

Also, now is probably a good time to mention that there are insane amounts of spoilers in here. Please, I implore you, do not scroll if you haven't watched Stranger Things yet and want to save yourself. The memes aren't worth being spoiled (actually they are)! DON'T DO THIS!

Kay, so first of all we have a ton of people obsessed with Hopper's dad vibes, per usual:

And then people shipping Joyce and Hopper:

And everyone really feeling for Will being a perpetual third wheel:

And people shook by Eleven and Mike:

But mostly STEVE:


Okay as you were, enjoy watching fireworks Stranger Things all day.

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