‘Stranger Things’ Is Back & It’s Quite Grown

After a nearly two-year hiatus, Stranger Things has returned, and we weren’t ready! These Stranger Things Season 3 spoilers are beyond thrilling. As the kiddos have matured, so has the iconic Netflix series. Season 3 is more decadent and delicious than anything we could have ever imagined. We’ve returned to Hawkins, Indiana in the blisteringly hot summer of 1985–and nothing will ever be the same.

The new Starcourt Mall is the talk of the town, and it boasts everything from a Sam Goody to a Time Out arcade. Basically, it’s lit, and it’s the place to be. However, as you know by now, nothing in Hawkins can ever be “normal,” and the same can be said for everything that goes down in this season of ST.


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