Mackworth Island State Park, Portland, Maine (Erin Austen Abbott)

City Stories: Portland, Maine

Exploring Cities and Small Towns, From Coast-to-Coast, One Story at a Time

Erin Austen Abbott and Yahoo may earn commission from links in this story. Pricing and availability subject to change.

Hi, I'm Erin Austen Abbott. Welcome to Field Trip, where I share ways to incorporate art, design, nature, food, culture, architecture, music, and more with your children. Whether staying close to home or adventuring on a big trip, I always seek learning experiences within travel and share these family field trips with you. So glad to have you here! - Erin

Portland Maine
Rose Foods, Portland, Maine Photo by Erin Austen Abbott (Erin Austen Abbott)

In the 4th grade, my classmates and I had to select one state to write a report on. I picked Maine, not because I'd been there, but because I read Blueberries for Sal on repeat as a younger child and was enchanted with the simplicity of the hunt for blueberries and the charm of doing so in mirrored form with a mama bear and her cub. I imagined the whole state full of solitude and wonder. Even as a child, that was the type of environment that I was seeking. A big part of me still does today.

It wasn't until many more years later that I visited Maine and found that it's not all quiet and rambling; instead, it's home to the bustling city of Portland. I still suggest hunting for those tiny towns and the solitude of Maine, but spend a few days in Portland first. Here are my suggestions for a weekend in Maine's largest city. Great for some summer planning.




Honey Paw, Portland, Maine
Honey Paw, Portland, Maine Image by Erin Austen Abbott (Erin Austen Abbott)


Portland, Maine Air BNB
Portland, Maine Air BNB Image by Erin Austen Abbott (Erin Austen Abbott)


Mackworth Island State Park, Portland, Maine
Mackworth Island State Park, Portland, Maine, Image by Erin Austen Abbott (Erin Austen Abbott)
Mackworth Island State Park, Portland, Maine
Walking trails at Mackworth Island State Park, Portland, Maine (Erin Austen Abbott)

Ok, with this round-up, you should be able to plan a great trip to Portland, Maine.


**When planning, check to make sure places are open. A lot of Maine shuts down at different times, especially in the winter and on slower days of the week.

As always, thanks for reading here. Follow on Instagram for more travel ideas, tips, and itineraries. - Erin
