Oh, wow. (@omgskr)

50 of the funniest, realest tweets about dating & being single

All by one woman who, for years, single-handedly captured modern dating in 280 characters or less

As I sifted through years of tweets about dating and being single, I couldn't help but wonder...should I put these all on display at my wedding?

One of the patented side effects of dating in the last decade is that it's relatively easy (and almost necessary!) to share your hot takes with other singles who might find your experiences wildly relatable. (Forget commiserating, this is commiser-dating!) Dating apps in general and their breadth of results are, quite effortlessly, a very funny hotbed for content. Instead of rolling my eyes at it all, I rolled onto Twitter and posted my subjectively clever, astute observations, hoping to make singles feel seen while probably scaring potential suitors away in the process. (Boy, bye!)

Here are 50 of my favorite tweets that sum it all up!

Sara K. Runnels is a seasoned humor writer, copywriter and writer-writer living in Seattle, WA. She is a regular contributor to The New Yorker & her sharp social commentary can be found, quite literally, all over the internet under @omgskr.
