If You've Had A "Cheating Death" Experience, We Want To Hear From You

I was recently perusing Reddit when I came across an interesting story shared by u/HasSomeSelfEsteem: "After winning gold at the 2004 Olympics, wrestler Rulon Gardner and two friends’ plane crashed into Lake Powell, Utah. The three men swam an hour to the shore through 44F (7C) degree water and waited all night without shelter for rescue. All three men survived."

Rulon Gardner wrestling
Sandra Dukes / Getty Images

This "cheating death" story then got me thinking — how many other people have wild stories like this? I bet a lot. So, I'm asking you, the good people of the BuzzFeed Community, to share your (or someone you know's) tale!

Perhaps you were driving down the freeway on a rainy day when a semi-truck carrying long sheets of metal sped past and suddenly hit a bump. The sheets came loose, and then FLEW into your car's windshield, narrowly missing your head (and giving you major Final Destination 2 flashbacks).

A rainy highway with traffic
Jose A. Bernat Bacete / Getty Images

Or, maybe you were standing outside your house on the sidewalk one afternoon, chatting to a neighbor, when a strong gust of wind unexpectedly caused a huge tree branch to fall just inches away from where you were standing.

A fallen tree branch
Thelittlecactus / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Heck, maybe your story involves a much bigger scenario like your grandma being the sole survivor of a plane crash when she was a little girl?!?! (It happens!)

Wreckage from a plane crash
Bettmann / Bettmann Archive

Now is your chance to tell your harrowing tale — what's your (or someone you know's) "cheating death" story that you've been waiting to share with the world?

A woman eating popcorn and listening intently
A woman eating popcorn and listening intently


Tell us the story in the comments below or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!