Stormy Daniels Suing Donald Trump Means She Turned Over Potential Sexts and Photos

Trump never signed their nondisclosure agreement, so her lawyer alleges she's free to disclose.

Donald Trump's porn star scandal doesn't look like it's going away quietly. On Tuesday, Stormy Daniels filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles against Trump, claiming that their nondisclosure agreement isn't valid because Trump never signed it.

Specifically, Daniels is suing so that she can disclose whatever Trump paid her not to disclose, and if she succeeds it's likely very bad news for the president. Per the agreement, which Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti has made public, Daniels was required to turn over all exchanges between her and then-candidate Trump, including text messages and photos.

According to the story first reported by the Wall Street Journal, Trump and Daniels started an affair in 2006 that lasted into 2007, and shortly before the 2016 election, Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid Daniels $130,000 to sign a nondisclosure agreement. So if the NDA is voided, Daniels can share both her story and whatever media she has.

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But the suit relies on the fact that Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, signed it instead of his client. Trump is identified under the pseudonym David Denison, and there are multiple spots in the document where no one signed for Denison at all. Reportedly, Trump didn't sign the agreement so that he could plausibly deny that he knew anything about it. But in Daniels' lawsuit, Avenatti alleges that since Cohen is required by the New York bar to keep his client completely informed, it's not believable that Trump didn't know about the nondisclosure or about an arbitration suit Cohen brought against Daniels at the end of February.

If Avenatti's arguments rests on "Cohen can't be that dumb," he may be in for a surprise. And the president's other lawyers don't inspire more confidence,like when Ty Cobb and John Dowd, two of Trump's personal attorneys, had a casual yelling conversation in public, in front of a New York Times reporter, about the Mueller investigation.

While Trump has a knack for hiring people based on maximum possible conflict of interest, when it comes to lawyers he has a special flair for finding people who have no idea what they're doing.