How To Store Zucchini So It Lasts

The best tips for storing zucchini in the fridge and freezer.

If you’re looking to prolong the shelf life of fresh zucchini and you've run out of zucchini recipes to try, the best thing to do is learn the best way to store it. Like other types of produce, proper storage makes all the difference in preserving flavor and texture.

Whether you’ve purchased a bundle of summer squash from the grocery store or farmer’s market, or you’ve harvested your own garden, how to store zucchini once you get home is crucial.

“Fresh summer squash, which includes zucchini, (as well as) yellow crookneck or straight neck, are best stored in a refrigerator at 41 degrees Fahrenheit,” Chef Jerry Lanuzza tells Southern Living. 

If zucchini and squash get colder, they start to get cold damage, which causes the skin to get soft or bruised.

“If your refrigerator is set lower, you will need to use them faster,” Lanuzza says. “Generally, you will want to use them within about five days.”

Meet Our Expert

  • Jerry Lanuzza, MS Ed., CHE, Associate Professor, College of Food Innovation and Technology, Johnson & Wales University, Charlotte Campus

The Best Way To Store Zucchini

While zucchini is best kept in a refrigerator at 41-degrees Fahrenheit, there are other steps to maintain the freshness of your product at home.

How To Keep Zucchini Fresh

Lanuzza offers three important tips for keeping zucchini fresh.

  1. Do not wash them until they are ready to be used.

  2. While summer squash are not very sensitive to ethylene gas – the gas given off by some fruits as they ripen – they should still be kept away from apples, bananas, melons, and tomatoes.

  3. Use squash within three to five days, if possible.

Related: 13 Easiest Vegetables To Grow In The Garden

How To Store Cut Zucchini

Lanuzza says consumers should always store cut produce, including zucchini, in the refrigerator.

“Once it is cut it becomes much more sensitive to bacterial contamination and/or growth of bacteria,” he says.

Related: 6 Types of Produce You Should Always Wash But Might Not Be

How To Freeze Zucchini

If you have an abundance of zucchini, it’s worth considering freezing some to use at a later date.

“It can be diced or sliced about ¼ -½-inch thick or even shredded on a box grater or food processor,” Lanuzza says.

But it’s important to recognize that fresh zucchini and thawed zucchini are very different.

"Frozen then thawed zucchini is going to have a texture of blanched or pre-cooked zucchini,” Lanuzza says, adding that it will not maintain its fresh garden crunch. “That makes it great for stir fry, smoothies or soups.”

Freezing Tips

  • For cubed or sliced zucchini, freeze them on a parchment paper lined sheet pan in a single layer for about an hour. Then put them into a freezer bag or container, removing as much air as possible.

Related: How To Freeze Zucchini

How To Thaw Zucchini

Frozen zucchini thaws quickly at room temperature if you are going to use it right away.

“If you are planning to ‘thaw today for use tomorrow,’ then you should thaw it in a bowl or plastic bag in your refrigerator,” Lanuzza says. “The squash will purge some liquid as it thaws, because the ice crystals that occur when freezing puncture the cell wall of the fruit, thus why it does not maintain its fresh crunch.”

Related: Can You Eat Zucchini Raw?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to store fresh zucchini?

Fresh zucchini should be stored in the refrigerator at around 41 degrees Fahrenheit.

Does zucchini last longer in the fridge or on the counter?

Zucchini stored in the refrigerator can last up to a week.

How do you preserve zucchini for later use?

Fresh zucchini can be preserved for up to a week in the refrigerator or frozen for later use.

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