How To Store Ginger

Everything to know about storing ginger to keep it fresher, longer.

There’s no better way to add a certain zing to a recipe than adding a hint of ginger. Whether you’re mixing up some Old Fashioned Gingerbread to enjoy with friends, drizzling dressing over your favorite salad, or adding fresh ginger into tea to aid in digestion, there is no shortage of ways to use ginger in the kitchen.

While often called ginger root, the kitchen staple is actually a plant. “Ginger is a flowering plant that is often used as a spice,” Edwards tells Southern Living.

When it comes to having fresh ginger on hand for recipes or home remedies, it’s important to understand how to store it and how long it lasts to maximize its power.

Meet The Expert

Chelsea Edwards is a Registered Dietitian and the owner of Huntsville Nutrition Collective in Huntsville, Alabama.

Best Way To Store Ginger

Maximizing the lifespan of ginger is important, especially for home cooks that frequently add the spice to dishes. Ginger can be stored in both the pantry and the refrigerator – but is one location better than the other? “Ginger can last for weeks if stored in an airtight container in your refrigerator once you've cut it,” Edwards says.

According to the USDA’s FoodKeeper App, fresh ginger root should be consumed within two to five days from date of purchase if kept in the pantry for maximum freshness and quality. If ginger is stored in the refrigerator from the date of purchase, the app states it should be consumed within two to three weeks.

“Unpeeled ginger can be stored at room temperature,” Edwards says. “But it's best to store ginger in an airtight container in the crisper drawer of your fridge.”

Related: 30 Ginger Recipes That Will Spice Things Up In Your Kitchen

How Long Does Ginger Last?

If you’re trying to do the mental math on when you purchased the ginger that is sitting in your crisper drawer, no need. Edwards says you’ll know when the spice has gone bad. “Ginger that has gone bad is going to typically turn brown, lose its bright yellow color, and become mushy,” she says.

When stored properly, ginger lasts up to a month.

Fresh Ginger

Ginger root that is stored in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator can last for up to a month. When mold spores appear, it’s time to toss it.

Peeled Ginger

Ginger that has been peeled will go bad more quickly, as the root is exposed to oxygen. Peeled ginger should be wrapped in plastic cling before storing in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer. When stored this way, peeled ginger should last for two to three weeks.

Grated Ginger

Ginger root that has been cleaned, peeled, and grated to make meal prepping a breeze should note that grated ginger only lasts for up to a week when stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Can You Freeze Ginger?

The good news for those that love ginger is that it can be frozen both whole and grated. According to the USDA’s FoodKeeper App, fresh ginger root that has been frozen from date of purchase should be thawed and consumed within six months.

“Ginger can be frozen as a whole, unused root for up to six months in an airtight container,” Edwards says. “After that, it might lose its flavor. You can also grate ginger and store it in a sealed container. The sealed container helps the ginger to not absorb flavors from other items in the freezer.”

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Read the original article on Southern Living.