Store-Bought Mirepoix Makes Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup Even Easier

chicken noodle soup in dish
chicken noodle soup in dish - Rudisill/Getty Images

A pot of homemade chicken noodle soup is far superior to any canned version out there, but that tastiness takes a lot of effort. First, there's cooking and shredding the chicken, making your stock, and then there's chopping all of those herbs and vegetables. And that's all before the ingredients are simmered together. That's why we've got a kitchen hack to speed up the process: Buying store-bought mirepoix so you don't have as much chopping to do for your soup. Not only is it easier, but its aromatics can sweeten and enrich the dish.

You might be asking yourself what mirepoix is (it's French in case you're wondering), so let's get into it. It's a base for many recipes including soups like chicken noodle soup that consist of carrots, celery, and onion. You know those three ingredients are essential for any soup base, so rather than skipping it, go for the store-bought version so you have more time to perfect your stock (although we won't judge you if you decide to get store-bought stock too -- time is precious).

Read more: 41 Best Soup Recipes

Using Store-Bought Mirepoix In Chicken Noodle Soup

Mirepoix in pot on counter with vegetables
Mirepoix in pot on counter with vegetables - Ostranitsa Stanislav/Shutterstock

You can find packaged mirepoix in the prepared food section of many major chains like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. Check the container for the package date and try to get the freshest one, especially if you don't plan to make a pot of soup the same day. There are also frozen options at many grocers. Can't find either? Try locating chopped bags of each individual veggie.

How do you use mirepoix? Start by heating butter or oil in your go-to soup pot over medium-low to medium heat, depending on the recipe. Once it's at the right temperature, you can toss in the mirepoix mixture, season with salt and pepper, and slowly cook. You'll know it's ready when all of the vegetables have softened and the onion is translucent. The rest is up to your recipe, so follow along and enjoy the pot of chicken noodle soup in a couple of hours.

Read the original article on Tasting Table.