How to Stop Stress-Induced Overthinking, According to Mental Health Experts

How to Stop Stress-Induced Overthinking, According to Mental Health Experts Try these 7 tips when your head is spinning from stress-overthinking: 1. Distract yourself. If you start ruminating, try to conjure up happier thoughts or turn on a funny movie. 2. Change your perspective away from your own problems. Pretend you're listening to a friend's troubles and then giving her advice. 3. Practice being present. Doing even a short session of mindfulness meditation may help reduce rumination, according to research. 4. Establish a routine. To prevent decision fatigue, remove piddly decisions, like what to wear to work, from your life. 5. Score some shut-eye. Get at least seven hours a night, and look to mindfulness training if you have trouble going to sleep. 6. Trust your gut that things will work out, and confide in someone you look up to and trust. 7. Just do it. If you have a project, don't overthink it, just go ahead and start it with one goal in mind.