Stock Your Outdoor Bar with Our Favorite Canned Cocktails


You found the perfect campsite, unloaded your gear, and set up the tent--the last thing you want to do is make some complicated drink to enjoy in the outdoors. Thankfully, beverage companies have been upping the canned cocktail game, mixing up ready-to-enjoy drinks that are not only portable but delicious. Here, we outlined our favorites, listed from the most boozy to the least.

Social Hour Prizefighter ($20 for four)

Social Hour Prizefighter
(Photo: Courtesy Social Hour)

This cocktail offers a complex pour for a premixed drink. Old-school Fernet meets rye whiskey for a sip that's reminiscent of refreshing peach iced tea--with an 11.5 percent ABV (alcohol by volume) kick.

Salt Point Beverage Greyhound ($18 for four)

Salt Point Beverage Greyhound
(Photo: Courtesy Salt Point)

Soft bubbles of grapefruit soda and vodka give this 10 percent ABV drink a fresh-squeezed flavor. If you're not a vodka fan, Salt Point also has a great cucumber-gin cocktail.

JuneShine Classic Tequila Margarita ($50 for twelve)

JuneShine Classic Tequila Margarita
(Photo: Courtesy JuneShine)

Known for its hard kombucha, JuneShine branched out into cocktails with this simple 10 percent ABV margarita. It's made up of tequila, orange, lime, and sparkling water. A dash of salt balances out the sweet and sour.

Curious Elixirs No. 2 ($39 for four)

Curious Elixirs No. 2
(Photo: Courtesy Curious Elixirs)

This cocktail trades alcohol for damiana, an adaptogen said to help regulate stress. (The science is still out on that.) Ginger and jalapeno flavors mix with pineapple for a dark-and-stormy riff.

Ghia Ginger ($18 for four)

Ghia Ginger
(Photo: Courtesy Ghia)

For a drink that packs a punch, try this nonalcoholic combination of spicy ginger beer and bittersweet aperitif. The retro cans are slim and short for easy portability.

Cann Social Tonic Lemon Lavender ($20 for six)

Cann Social Tonic Lemon Lavender
(Photo: Courtesy Cann)

Lavender isn't the only herb in these booze-free cans, which feature two milligrams of THC and four milligrams of CBD. (The drink is only available at dispensaries in select states that have legalized marijuana.) A sliding tab reseals each lid, so there's no pressure to chug the entire thing in one sitting.

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