Still can’t decide among Scott, Dixon, Alsobrooks, Trone or Hogan? Let’s consult the stars | STAFF COMMENTARY

“What’s your sign?” has to be the oldest pickup line in the book. Still, many people searching for their perfect match continue to consult the field of astrology hoping to divine some supernatural insight. The daily horoscope is one of the most popular reads online, not just for suggestions on dating but for advice on living, and 69% of Americans say they are horoscope faithful, according to a Harris Poll conducted with Cosmopolitan magazine last month.

So what about when it comes to finding your perfect match at the polls? Is astrology able to offer advice on how a politician might perform in office based on the traits that define his or her zodiac sign? Should Maryland voters consider consulting the stars as the primary election approaches?

Yes, we’re about to go full woo-woo — slang for “dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific” beliefs, as defined by Merriam-Webster.

Before we start, I should come clean about my own sign, but in true Scorpio fashion, I’d like to keep that a secret.

Since I’m not an expert on astrology, I turned to the current expert on everything: ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence text chatbot, who was more than willing to discuss top candidates in races for Baltimore mayor and the U.S. Senate.

I asked ChatGPT about the leadership attributes associated with astrology signs linked to politicians based on their birthdays. The candidates represent nearly half of the zodiac’s 12 signs, but there are no Libras like retiring Sen. Ben Cardin. Does that mean the scales are about to tilt? I did not ask.

Here’s the download from ChatGPT, edited for length and clarity:

Candidates for Baltimore mayor

Brandon Scott, April 8: Aries

Strengths: Aries leaders bring boldness, determination, and enthusiasm that often make them natural leaders who can inspire others. They are not afraid to take risks and initiate change. Their assertiveness enables them to tackle challenges head-on, while their passion and charisma help them connect with constituents.

Weaknesses: Their impulsive nature may lead to rash decision-making, potentially causing instability or unintended consequences. Aries leaders may also struggle with patience and diplomacy, preferring confrontation over compromise. Their competitive spirit may lead to conflicts.

Sheila Dixon, Dec. 27: Capricorn

Strengths: Capricorns’ ambitious nature, discipline, and strong work ethic can drive them to excel in leadership roles. They are typically practical, patient and responsible, making them adept at managing complex issues. Their commitment to long-term goals and stability can provide a sense of assurance to constituents.

Weaknesses: A tendency towards caution and traditionalism may make them resistant to change, potentially hindering progress. Their ambitious nature can sometimes lead to a focus on personal advancement rather than the needs of the community. Capricorns’ reserved demeanor may make it difficult to mobilize support.

U.S. Senate candidates

Angela Alsobrooks, Feb. 23: Pisces

Strengths: Pisceans possess empathy, intuition, and idealism, enabling them to understand the needs of diverse communities. They are often intuitive, able to sense underlying dynamics and anticipate challenges. Their idealism inspires them to work toward a more compassionate and just society, while their creativity allows them to find innovative solutions.

Weaknesses: Pisces may sometimes be overly sensitive to criticism or hesitant to make tough decisions. Their idealism may also lead to a disconnect between their vision and reality. Pisces’ tendency towards introspection may make them prone to indecisiveness or difficulty asserting themselves in high-pressure political situations.

David Trone, Sept. 21: Virgo

Strengths: Virgos’ attention to detail, analytical thinking and strong sense of responsibility make them well-suited for navigating politics. They excel at problem-solving and are adept at analyzing information, enabling them to make well-reasoned decisions. Their organized approach helps efficiently manage tasks and implement policies.

Weaknesses: Their tendency toward perfectionism may lead to a focus on minor details at the expense of broader strategic goals, potentially hindering progress or causing delays. Virgos’ critical nature may also make them overly judgmental, affecting their ability to build consensus and collaborate.

Larry Hogan, May 25: Gemini

Strengths: Geminis’ strong communication skills, adaptability and intellectual curiosity make them adept at politics. They are often skilled communicators, able to articulate complex ideas and connect with diverse audiences. Their ability to see multiple perspectives can make them effective mediators and consensus builders.

Weaknesses: Their adaptability may sometimes manifest as a lack of firm convictions, potentially undermining trust with constituents. Geminis’ tendency toward intellectual curiosity may lead to a focus on ideas over action or difficulty making tough decisions. And their social nature and desire for stimulation may make them prone to distractions or difficulty focusing on long-term goals.

Michelle Deal-Zimmerman is senior content editor for features and an advisory member of The Sun’s editorial board. Her column runs every fourth Wednesday. She can be reached at