Still Closed Washington Ski Area Provides Operations Update

Hurricane Ridge, a ski area located on Washington's Olympic Peninsula, has had a challenging ski season, left unable to open due to warm weather and a lack of snow.

Earlier this week, the resort shared an update, announcing that it would need one or two feet of snow to open.

Hurricane Ridge is currently banking on a "miracle March," citing forecasts from Pacific Northwest meteorologist Micheal Snyder, who, in a recent video, suggested that the end of this month and the start of March could bring considerable snowfall to ski resorts throughout Washington.

Obviously, it's too early to say if these longer-term predictions will pan out, but they provide a glimmer of hope for ski areas like Hurrican Ridge that have dealt with the consequences of the ongoing El Niño.

As of yesterday, the Hurricane Ridge webcam showed snow intermixed with dirty patches of grass.

In its Instagram update, Hurricane Ridge noted that season pass holders can access other open resorts, including Bogus Basin, Mt. Ashland, and Mt. Spokane, due to the uniquely challenging winter conditions.

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