Steve Harvey Could Barely Get Through a Round of 'Family Feud' Without Becoming Hysterical

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Photo credit: Youtube

From Country Living

  • Steve Harvey was laughing constantly while hosting a round of Family Feud last week.

  • The Wathen and Burnley families were tasked with coming up with responses to the prompt: "Name something you might see a squirrel at the park doing with its nuts."

  • The same prompt appeared on Family Feud in 2010.

Sometimes, Family Feud is just too much for host Steve Harvey to handle.

Last week, for example, the gameshow host had a particularly hard time keeping it together when a prompt about squirrels and nuts popped up (you can probably see where this is going). After chuckling to himself for a few seconds, Steve read what was on his notecard to the contestants: "Name something you might see a squirrel at the park doing with its nuts."

The Wathen family got off to a strong start with answers like "eating them" and "playing with them." Meanwhile, Steve couldn't stop laughing to himself.

Eventually, the Wathens got three Xs, which gave the Burnley family an opportunity to land on the board. Unfortunately for the Burnleys, their first guess of "searching for them" didn't score them any points, allowing a victory for the Wathens.

After watching the Family Feud clip, some viewers rightfully pointed out that the prompt had been used before on the gameshow. Ten years prior, Family Feud hosted a TNA Wresting Special, where wrestlers like Ken Anderson, Matt Morgan, and Lacey Von Erich were faced with the same question.

Regardless though, many found Steve's reaction to last week's episode to be quite amusing. "I don't know how much they make but the writers deserve a raise," one fan wrote on YouTube. "One thing for certain - the whole round was nuts," another fan quipped, while a different viewer simply wrote," 😂😂😂😂😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼."

From jokingly wandering off the stage to poking fun at the contestants' out-of-the-box-answers, it's clear that Steve has so much fun hosting the classic gameshow.

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