Steve Alba Shares How He Got Into Skating Pools

This year skateboard legend Steve Alba, aka ‘Salba’ turned 60, and still to this day, you can find him ripping around any bowl and hitting some pretty hefty front-side grinds.

His love for transition skateboarding started way back in the day, when he discovered skateboarding in pools, check out the video below to hear in his own words, the unlocking of pool skating.

In the fifth grade, Salba and a group of friends watched a group of older guys head down an alley and jump a fence with their skateboards, Salba and his friends hid out to see what they possibly could be skating in the back of a random house. The noise of their wheels gliding on the concrete and trucks bashing the concrete echoed, building anticipation in Salba and his friend's minds. After the older guys headed out they peeked through the fence and saw a swimming pool, leaving them in shock. This day marked a monumental moment for Salba and his love for drained pools.

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