Step Inside The Mind Of Jake Anderson In The Latest 'Quick Takes' Installment

It's always fun diving inside the minds of our favorite pros and putting them on the spot, off the board.

From Baseball to Brad Staba; double flips to the best Anderson; why Call of Duty is a waste of time, the vibe of skating with headphones and much more, dive into Jake Anderson's Quick Takes. 

I love when they throw him a curveball and ask, "How many holes in a straw?" and his eyes open wide—borderline gasping—and can't wrap his head around the question. It's actually a perfect reaction, in all fairness. But when he declares, "There's two ends to every hole...maybe?" that definitely got me.

Jake is rad. His skating speaks for itself, but his cool confidence is on full display in this quick little interview. Now watch him do what he does best in this little compilation of recent clips I stumbled across below.

Video / SLS

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